Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Fine Looking Chaps

The year is 1985. We're in the 9th grade, and it's Homecoming. We got to the dance after the game, and try to get the guys together for a group picture. I'm still not really sure how in the hell Ned Cregeen ended up in the picture. If you look at it, it's almost as if he jumped in at the very last second. He looks like a second-grader compared to the rest of us. Anyway, I think at this point not many of us had our driver's licenses, with the exception of Cheese and Melinda. They both had September birthdays. OH...I take that back...Bobby Burns had been driving since we were in the 7th grade. Lucky bastard....

Sarah Lyle update - Bonjour from Paris

Bonjour tout le monde! What fun it has been to hear from everyone. I'll post my update now:

After graduating from Ole Miss in '93, I worked at Christ Methodist Church in Memphis as an assitant youth director. Then worked at Brooks Brothers while trying to figure out what to do with my life. As I had always dreamed of moving to the east coast, I succeeded in getting myself a glorious "non paid" intership at Mullen Advertising in a small town north of Boston. My live would be forever changed when I drove my mustang convertible up to the North Shore of Massechussetts to a small fishing town (and sailing capital of the US) called Marblehead where I found a tiny apartment to rent. Luckily, my intership turned into paying job (not much, i might ad) and I enjoyed discovering how northerners lived. Took sailing lessons, learned to cross country ski, how to eat lobster, and how to break the habit of saying "yes m'am and no sir" to avoid people laughing at me. At work, people actually thought that I was Scottish because of my very thick southern accent. While in Marblehead, I met a cute Frenchman who I dated for a couple of years and moved to Paris with (against my parents wishes since we were not engaged to be married).

Now if you think that life in Boston was different than Corinth, try moving to a new country not speaking the language. Upon arriving in Paris, i quickly signed up for French classes and tried to learn everything i could about the culture and "French" way of living. I got a job with with a French telecommunications company in fiber optics to do PR and marketing. This experience allowed me to learn french fluently and how Europeans work, which is very different than how Americans do. Things did not work out with Frenchman #1, and I ended up marrying his sister's boyfriend. I know, kind of confusing.

Emmanuel (from Versailles) and I have been married for 5 years and have 2 very active "enfants." Emma-Lyle is 3 and Louis-Georges will be 2 in April. They are so funny and are constantly mixing up French and English. We bought an old apartment in the center of the city (near St. Sulpice church) and spent a year or so fixing it up. For American standards, it is VERY small, but we love being able to walk everywhere (yes to the grocery store, pharmacy, bakery, butcher, etc) not having a lot of "home upkeep". Oftentimes i dream of having a yard with green grass and then i just look out at the beautiful buildings and monuments of Paris or bite into a crunchy baquette or drink a glass of wonderful french wine, and I am content.

After having worked for a french consumer electronics company called Archos, I recently switched to an American marekting/communications agency called Loomis Group. They are based in San Francisco and have their European office in Paris. Emmanuel works for a French bank doing investment banking. He rarely gets home before 10:00 pm and me before 7:30, so we are always running. We are lucky to have a wonderful Philippino nanny who helps us keep the kids.

I often tell Emmanuel about all of our crazy and wild times at CHS. He loves each visit back home and would love for us to move back to the south one day. So let me know if any of you hear of any French teaching jobs!

I miss and think of you all often.
A bientot!
Sarah Lyle (Sassy)

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Angel Wilburn

I decided to come in and update mine a little and add some photos...I've so enjoyed reading what everyone else has had to post and I hope that everyone will continue to post updates and keep in touch! I left Corinth when I was 15, but, have always had fond and special memories...My family moved to Desoto County, Southaven, MS, to be exact, and I graduated from Southaven High...I went on to Northwest Community College after graduating and majored in sales and marketing...I worked a couple of different jobs in the Memphis area, and came to work with my dad in 1994 at his insurance agency...I'm still here today :) I got married back in 1992(and then divorced in 1998); I had my beautiful baby girl in April of 1997...Lottie is my shining star...She makes me smile every day and definitely keeps me on my toes...She is a cut-up, she plays basketball and soccer, and loves to sing, dance, and be silly with her friends!

We live in Hernando, MS now...I've been here for several years, and love the small-town atmosphere, but, it seems that it's growing every day! My parents and siblings, their spouses, and my 2 nephews and 1 niece are, also here, so, that's really nice; having family close! I'd love to stay in contact with everyone, and if you are ever around this way, please give me a call(info on the google spreadsheet)! Ya'll take care :)

(oh yeah, I'm gonna post a couple of newer pictures of Lottie and I'm gonna throw one in there that's about a year old of me, Lottie, and my niece...Just wanted ya'll to know that I do STILL SOMETIMES have funky hair..he he he) o:)

Monday, January 29, 2007

Abbie Overton Mitchell

After graduating, I swore that I'd NEVER return to Corinth. I attended the University of South Carolina for my freshman year, had more fun than my parents thought I should, and returned to Corinth for college at NEMCC. I moved to Sarasota Florida in the spring of 1991 as a nanny for friends of the family. I had a blast raising 3 wonderful children. In August of 1991, I returned to Corinth and NEMCC changing my major once again.
On October 11, 1991, I went out on a blind date with Brad Mitchell...we were married December 28, 1991. 10 weeks from first date to wedding day. He's a wonderful guy from Kossuth. Some of you might know his sisters, Mikki, and Marla. And his dad was principal at KHS for 19 years.
Elizabeth Lane Mitchell graced us with her presence on January 18, 1995, and hasn't stopped since!! Elee (her nickname from Aunt Mikki) is a 5' 5", 12 year old 6th grader at KMS. She runs cross country with the high school track team, principal's list, plays flute in the band, piano, and shows cows. This past weekend (1-26-07) she won showmanship, champion Brangus bull, champion Hereford bull, and 3rd place Hereford heifer. We are off to Jackson, MS this weekend for Elee to show at Dixie Nationals. Elee is a beautiful child inside and out!!!
Jackson Blaine Mitchell was born on December 9, 1999. Blaine is quite a handful!! Just ask Katie Draper. We were blessed to have her as our Kindergarten teacher last year. Blaine isn't old enough to show cows at the national shows yet, but he has done well at local county fairs. He likes baseball, soccer, basketball, and really enjoyed hitting hard in football this past fall. We are truly lucky to have been given great kids.
There is never a dull moment around the farm. I know a lot of you can't picture me in the country, much less on a cattle farm. I think that I've adjusted fairly well; gonna have to because I'm planted here now.
My husband, Brad, and I just celebrated 15 years together...nobody bet that it would've lasted that long. Brad a 1987 MSU grad, is a district sales rep for NK Seeds (owned by Syngenta, who also owns Astra Zeneca) selling corn, soybean, and grain sorghum. His territory is from Jackson TN, to Clarksdale/Batesville MS. Brad enjoys the flexibility so that he can farm on the side. I work at Corinth Coke to support his farming habit. I'm working with one of our classmates, Chris Porterfield!! I am also involved in JA with Alesha and Kelly, teach the high school Sunday School and AWANA classes at Kossuth Baptist Church.
My parents move from Corinth in 1997 to Griffin GA. And then again, in 1998, to Carrollton GA, where my dad has retired from the newspaper business. He is now falling back on his true love, accounting, and is doing consulting work with a local CPA firm. They love the Atl area and don't plan on moving again!!
So, that's my past few years in a nutshell. I know I don't have the memories of elementary and junior high, but have enjoyed reading them!!!
Anytime y'all are in Kossuth, give me a call 662-665-1100!!!
Thanks Jake for getting us together.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Katie Strickland Update

Well, hello everyone! I was so shocked and excited to get Jake's e-mail inviting everyone to come back together again! Corinth was and still is a great place to make friendships that stand the tests of time. Here goes my attempt to update my info...

Once we graduated, I went to Northeast Community College and then Mississippi State majoring in elementary education. John Bell once gave me an award in speech class for being the Best professional babysitter. Guess I just never got over that and now I have been a professional baby sitter at West Corinth for 14 years as a Kindergarten Teacher ;0). For those of you who started the Corinth system in First Grade, Miss Timmons was still the principal when I began my career. Stacey (Carson) Sitton and I began teaching the same year under her watchful eye. When she would pat me on the back in 1993, I would be taken back to first grade when she would greet us hello and smack the breath out of us with her "love pats". Remember the electric paddle? It was still there in 1993 and still terrified the kids. Miss Timmons retired around 1997 (can't remember exactly, the years run together now!) and Kate Butler has been our principal ever since. The classrooms still have the same smell as when we were there! In place of our playground a gym now stands. Our playground now is across the street (remember playing on the road when it rained?) I started as an assistant, became a kindergarten teacher for a teacher needing to leaving in the middle of the year, taught first grade one year, then finally returned to my true love of kindergarten in 1995. In 1999-2000 school year, I was selected as Teacher of the Year for West Corinth and in November of 2005 I became one of 3 National Board Certified Teachers at our school. I love what I do and the students of Corinth are still some of the best around! I have seen so many of our classmates kids come through - and even taught a few of them! I can say they have all been little geniuses and sometimes spitting images of their parents! Our classes have their kindergarten play at the old high school auditorium where we put on our Follies. The stage is a lot smaller through the eyes of a teacher! I get a little remenisant each year as I sneak off to explore the back rooms where we got ready for those hot nights of singing. It's a good thing to have happy and warm memories of places that now hold old desks, tables, and cobwebs in cold darkness.

While at Mississippi State, I met Mike Draper. He was finishing up his masters in electrial engineering and very interested in this little girl he had seen at church with his friend Tommy Gilmore (especially after I yelled at MIke that Tommy and I were not dating..."JUST FRIENDS!" although I don't really remember it that way at all!). We started dating, fell in love, and were married in June of 1994 at the Fillmore Street chapel here in Corinth. We have lived in Corinth since then. Mike works in New Albany, Mississippi as a design engineer for HMC Technologies. Basically, he makes the big old machines in the big industries do what they do through computer programming. He has traveled all over the United States and Mexico to install, operate, and train workers on these big robot things. He is way too smart for my kindergarten brain to understand!

In November of 2003, (after we had been told it would not happen for us!), we had our first child! Robert Samuel Draper has been the delight of our lives! I fell deeper in love with being a Mom than just about anything else I'd ever done. He is now 3 years old and amazes us everyday with his observations of the world! In August of 2006, his little brother John Thomas completed our family. He is one of the happiest kids I have ever seen and smiles almost constantly. Both boys are the sunshine in life and I am blessed to spend yet another day with them!

My parents are still in town. My mom keeps the boys for me while I teach. My dad is still self-employed and does lots of plumbing and electrical work. My sister, Cindy, is living in Jackson, Mississippi with her husband Russ and continues to dominate anything she undertakes! NO children for them yet...but maybe soon.

I have enjoyed reading all the updates so far. I hope there will be more soon. I remember at the 10 year reunion feeling like our class had really done such great things with their lives! A few of us continue to call Corinth home and a few of us will keep Corinth as home in our hearts no matter where we are! Thanks for including me! I look forward to hearing from you!

Happy Birthday, David!!!

Not sure how many people know this, but today is David Dixon's 36th birthday! As usual, I must briefly reminisce. Dave, seems just like yesterday when you switched to East Corinth from out thar in the county….you showed up when we were all in the 4th grade and you were grouped in the bunch that got Mrs. Moss….as I recall she, for whatever reasons, got the group of “new” kids that had transferred from the county. Or something like that. Also seems like yesterday when you spent the night with me in the 7th grade and we walked over to Stacey Carson’s house. You asked her to “go” with you, smooched her in the driveway for what seemed like hours (yes, I had to stand at the edge of the driveway, with my hands in my pockets, feeling like the idiot I was..and still am…). When y’all were done tickling each others tonsils, you “broke-up” with Stacey, and we went back to my house. What a stud David was back in the day, huh???

Anyway, I hope all is well, and as per standard, everyone wish ol’ David a happy one!!!

Bruce Dodson

Hey Everyone,
Here's a quick summary for those of you who I have lost touch with. After graduation , I went to Auburn and graduated with a BS in Criminal Justice. Dad went back up north with Caterpillar again, so I went back up north for a year. I had lost touch with all my friends up there, but still had lots of friends in C-Town, so when dad transferred back with Cat to Corinth again, I came too. I started working at the Booneville Police Department as a patrolman and met my future wife, Melissa Edwards, who was from Iuka, and a student at Northeast then. After two years at Booneville PD, I got on at Tupelo Police Department, which paid better and had better opportunities. I have been with Tupelo PD for ten years now. I am currently assigned to narcotics as a Narcotics Investigator with the North MS Narcotics Unit. I am also a Task Force Officer and sworn in with DEA in Oxford. I cant complain, I have a pretty cool job thats exciting. Melissa and I have been married for 7 years, and our son Chan was born in March. After fighting the parent urges for several years, its awesome. Very hard but very cool, makes you want to hurry home from work at the end of the day. We have a website for our family and friends that live out of town (so I have to be a bragging parent) it's . My wife Melissa is a speech therapist at the North MS Medical Center. In my spare time, which is very infrequent now that someone is crawling, I like to play computer games and ride motorcycles. Mom and I have been fighting about when Chan is allowed to start taking motorcycle rides with Dad :). I have really enjoying reading everyone's updates, is it just me, or was our ten year reunion like two years ago? :P
PS: Everyone please keep posting pictures of yourself and kids. I know everyone else is enjoying seeing them as much as I am. Oh and Todd Dawson would like to specifically request nude photos of all of our male classmates!

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Thursday, January 25, 2007

Alesha Hussey Update

Hey, everyone!! Well, after Jake's intimidations and threats, I figured I better jump on this and add my update. ;-) I did more than just cut and paste - I even changed it up a little.

After graduation, I attended Northeast and then Ole Miss and received my Chemical Engineering degree in Dec. 1993. While at Ole Miss, I renewed an acquaintance who later became my husband - Preston Knight. Preston grew up in Holly Springs but his family was from Corinth - the Biggers (Preston and Jimmie Lee, who have both passed away now were his grandparents - you may remember Preston Stafford the gift shop/hardware store. That was owned by his grandparents - anyway.) I finished school on Dec. 17, 1993, got married January 8, 1994, and started work on Feb. 1, 1994. We moved back to Corinth where I went to work for Kimberly Clark right out of college. I had interned with them for five summers after high school and through college. I worked in engineering and later went into human resources and environmental (not at the same time). After nine rewarding years in the corporate sector, I quit to stay home with my two precious girls, Emma Kathryn (Emma Kate), 8 1/2 and Olivia Grace 5 1/2. Emma Kate is an A student at East. She is a great student - loves learning and reading (doesn't like math so much). She is very much a little lady. She loves playing the piano and is very artistic (she did not get that from me.) Olivia is a little bundle of energy. I know they say children are very different, and that is so true in this case. Olivia is in Kindergarten at First Baptist and is into everything animals - especially frogs. We raised 8 from teeny tadpoles. We still have 4 of them plus a hermit crab and a dog. I guess you could say she is the closest thing to a little boy I'll get. She is a girly girl at times but also loves to get dirty. She is so laid back and doesn't let too much bother her. She also is recently into "reference" material. She loves picking out books from the library that features nature. In fact, at the recent Book Fair at East, she chose a children's encyclopedia. Honestly, it weighs as much as she does but she just puts it in a roll around back pack and takes it with her. When given the choice between that and a bottle cap crafty thing, she chose the encyclopedia because "it can teach me something" she said. I haven't quite figured her out yet. I have no idea what direction she'll take in life - she seems to love to learn and read but doesn't take things too seriously at the same time. Oh, well. It'll be an interesting journey.

Since staying home, I've been doing the professional mommy/volunteer thing like Kelly mentioned (although not as much volunteer as Kelly). This year I am President of the Junior Auxiliary - that probably brings back memories for many of you. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time in JA. I have one year left then on to other things. We've got the annual Charity Ball coming up in about a month - lots of work but lots of fun. I am very involved with First Baptist still, and I am currently employed part time at Wait's Jewelry store which was reopened by Sandy and Rosemary Williams last September. I just work two days a week and love it. My husband, who is a professional engineer in Civil Engineering (also graduated from Ole Miss), just quit his job as a construction division manager for B & B Concrete to start his own construction company, Knight Brothers. He can do everything from residential to commercial to industrial - so those of you in the Memphis area and in between, if you hear of something, he is willing to branch out (another shameless plug - oh, well!). Anyway, I think he'll do great. It is what he has always loved.

My sister, Jennifer (4 years younger than us), graduated from medical school almost two years ago in Ophthamology. She returned to Corinth to set up her practice. She has added Lasik to her services and there has been a lot of interest in this area. She married Brett Garrett from Central (and Corinth until about the 4th or 5th grade) in July before she entered medical school in August 1997. They are expecting their first child, a boy, in April. Meredith married in 2001 and had a little boy, Cooper in 2003. She divorced her husband last May and moved back to Corinth. She is working for WIA at the ICC Tupelo campus and is currently working on her PhD. So...if you caught that, my WHOLE family is back in town. There is just something about this place, huh? Plus Preston's mother and brother are also here. Yep! that is a lot of family, but we enjoy visiting. It's just like old times - all three of us sitting lined up on the pew at church talking during the service and my daddy sitting at the end of the pew making "be quiet!!" gestures. I know people get a kick out of seeing the 3 Hussey girls all back like we were 20 years ago.

Corinth has been great for us - both living, working and raising our families here surrounded by family. I got to talk to Mrs. Smith yesterday (at the East Corinth open house), and we shared some memories from when I was in her class. So much has changed, but so much has stayed the same. I look forward to seeing everyone at the class reunion. If you are ever in town on a Tuesday or Friday, come by Wait's downtown. I'd love to see you.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Stacey Carson Update

Hello everyone! I've enjoyed hearing about everyone else so I guess I should now give my own update. After high school, I went to Northeast for a year then on to Mississippi State. The last semester of senior year I moved home and commuted to Tupelo for my student teaching. During the Christmas break I went out with Scott Sitton, who graduated from Alcorn Central. (I know, I know- a county boy) Anyway, we hit it off great. He was at State as well and we both graduated in '93. I started teaching at Corinth the fall of '93 (4 years at East and 3 years at West) and loved it! Scott and I married in March of 1995. He has been a great husband. He's very laid-back and alot of fun. In August 1999 I had our first child, Hannah, and hated leaving her for work everyday so did not return the next year. In 2001, I had our son, Carson. We built a new home behind my parents, who had also built a new house. We live on Hwy. 45 North almost at the TN state line.(On the same road as Jennifer Pace's parents.) In January 2005 I had a second devastating miscarriage (the first one was in 1998) but we got pregnant 6 weeks later and I had another baby boy in November 2005. Hannah is a second grader at East, an honor roll student who is involved in several activities that keeps us all on the go! Carson is in the 5 year old Kindergarten program at First Baptist Church and will go on to West next year. The baby, John Davis is 14 months old, walking and into everything! I am still a stay at home mom(chaffeur, short order cook, tutor, nurse, etc.) and would not trade it for anything! My husband has a wonderful job working for Greg Williams. He is a Balfour/Taylor Publishing sales rep. for NOrth MS and West TN.( class rings, graduation supplies and yearbooks) He pretty much works a school schedule so he is off on weekends, holidays and plays golf all summer long! I get to see several classmates very regularly as our children go to the same schools and activities and it's been fun watching their children grow. I actually taught some of our classmates' kids in school, which was a ball! I look forward to catching up with those who I 've lost touch with and sharing memories.
Stacey Carson Sitton

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Traci Haskett Update

I didn't graduate from Corinth, which was my choice. Hindsight is 20/20, and it remains to be one of those choices that I wonder if it were the right one. A week into senior year, I moved back to Adamsville, AL, 10 miles NW of Birmingham. I'd wanted to get back down here for so many years, and when my folks finally gave in, it seemed like a dream. I graduated from Minor High School, and attended the University of Alabama Birmingham that fall.

In between my sophomore and junior years I married a guy that I'd met the year before as a friend of a friend. We had Justin in the first year of our marriage. When he was 8 months old I went back to school and in 94 completed what my daddy called the most useless degree he'd ever heard of... a BA in music with a minor in Anthropology...go figure. Conner, my daughter was born in 96, and I started teaching piano in a private school, where I stayed for a little over 6 years.

Things in my marriage were not so hot, and I guess I was one of those cliche's of the woman who kept trying to make things work even though they couldn't. We divorced in 2004, right after my daddy died. The divorce was the best thing that could have ever happened. Justin stayed with his dad, and Con came with me, and they have both wound up being pretty well adjusted kids, all things considered. Steven, my ex, and I have wound up becoming best friends, something that just couldn't have happened had we stayed married. And believe me, having a 15 yr old and a 10 yr old, we have to stay friends or else they'd be playing us against each other every chance they got.

Starting over in my 30's has been interesting to say the least, but definitely not something that I would recommend to anyone. I got back into the job market, in merchandising, and I love it...but I am planning on going back to school this summer to get my masters in music education. Being a single mom has definitely had it's share of ups and downs, but my biggest hope is that I find someone and am not dating when Conner starts to date, I honestly couldn't take it...I'm having a hard enough time with her starting to go through puberty. For all of ya'll with young ones, enjoy every moment of them being little, they get too big too fast, and before you know it you're looking them in the eye, or as in my case with Justin, looking up to them, and you wonder what happened to that sweet little thing that you were holding in your arms just yesterday.

I do hate the fact that my kids don't get to experience the childhood that I had...where it was safe to go out and play in the neighborhood because we knew all of our neighbors....the most damaging weapons brought to school were the tongues of our classmates....and sex ed was something that we went over in the 5th grade when they showed us those grainy films that left the boys leaving the room making fun of the girls. This is the time that I question my moving back here, a place that I'd only known on weekend trips, vs. the place that I grew up in, where I had friends that I truly regret having lost touch with.

Thank you Jake, for remembering that I was there. For that, and this community of friends that you've brought back together after all these years, I'm truly grateful.

Tony Sagraves story...

Jake asked that we repost our updates - so here you go:

Well I have enjoyed reading all the updates. I know most people may not remember me- I didn't graduate from Corinth, but I went until my senior year. I still consider myself from Corinth.
I moved from Corinth my senior year. Graduated from Bolton High School in Arlington TN. After HS I went to Northeast Jr College and then Mississippi State Univ.
I am an Area Supervisor for Papa John's Pizza. I started as a driver when I was in college and just never left - 15 years later and here I am living in Bartlett TN and running a market of 13 stores.
I met my wife while in Starkville. We were married 7 years and have 3 amazing kids - Codi 8, Preston 6, & Abby Claire 5. Codi turned 8 Jan 18th- I still can not believe she is 8. My wife and I have been divorced for 2 years now - one of the hardest things I had ever been through. We still talk almost daily, but it is mostly about the kids- who we both love dearly and would do anything for.
Some of you know last July I found out I had an extremely rare form of bladder cancer. It was a complete surprise and very shocking. I had surgery to remove part of my bladder and went through 12 weeks of chemo. Well about 3 weeks ago at my 1st scan after chemo- I found out the cancer had spread to the lining on the outside of my stomach and to my ribcage. I immediately had my Dr call MD Anderson Cancer center in Houston and see if they would see me. Because the cancer I have is so rare they wanted to see me - I was down there the next day. Well long story short I am on a new chemo treatment - I go 5 days in a row for treatment then 2 weeks off- rinse - repeat. It has been tough- very tough. The main thing that keeps me going are my kids- I can not and will not let them down. For those of you that know me you know how hard headed I can be :) I refuse to loose.
I spend most of my time working or with my kids, BUT if any of you that live in Memphis ever want to catch lunch sometime gimme a call. I can be found in one of the stores almost daily or try 901-292-2234 - that's my cell.

Just remember enjoy everyday - kiss your kids - never ever give up...

Tony Sagraves

Top 10 Funniest Moments in '89 History

These shouldn't be listed in any particular order, as I'm thinking of them off the top of my head. Regardless, as I sit here and think about it, I think these are some of the funniest episodes in our class history:

10. At East Corinth Mrs. Carruth lecturing our entire class in the auditorium about some issues in the bathrooms. She kept referring to "BM's" and "bowel movements" but none of us really knew what that was. We all sat there and listened but walked out still having no clue as to what she was talking about. Sometimes "poo poo" and "doo doo" make sense.

9. In the 7th grade, a bunch of us had Mrs. Landsdale for homeroom. We're in there for something one day, and Brett decides to show-off and call her by her first name. For whatever reasons, he felt like he could get away with it. When she asked him a question, he said, "Sure, Julian." She just stared at him, no one else in the room made a peep, and then she ordered him out into the hall.

8. In the 7th grade, as well all remember, Mr. Davis loved to walk around during the day, from classroom to classroom, and he'd carry that fiberglass paddle with the silver tape on the handle, around in his back pocket. One day he decides to stick his head in Mrs. Landsdale's room. Renardi Boyd was sitting upright in his chair, but he was sound asleep. Mr. Davis noticed, and came further into the room and stood right by Renardi. Renardi, still sound asleep, started to lean or really "fall" out of this chair. Slowly, he began leaning further and further over (he was almost horizontal at this point), until he fell completely out of his desk and right down on the floor at Mr. Davis' feet. The entire room died in laughter.

7. I don't remember what grade this was or even whose room we were in when it happened, but I'm sure y'all remember the man that would show up every year, maybe once or twice per year, and he'd knock on the classroom door, then stand in the door, and just count people in the room. He was tall, wore glasses from the 50's, and had a crewcut. We were always amazed at how fast he could count us. And the guy NEVER made a sound and kept a straight, serious face. So one day, I guess we had advance warning he was coming, and when he knocked on the door and stepped in the doorway to count, we all jumped from our seats and started running around the room. I thought the guy was going to have a heart attack. He didn't know how to react!!

6. One day in the fourth grade, we were all in Mrs. Vandever's room, trying out for the 4th grade Christmas play. Bobby Burns, Todd Dawson and I were sitting there and Bobby (as usual) was making us laugh. Todd was laughing so hard that he sneezed and a piece of ham came out of his nose. And Glenn Krohn saw it and threw up all over the place.

5. In first grade, at the lunchroom table, I took my straw and folded it so that both ends would go in each nostril. Once I did this, Glenn Krohn saw it and threw up.

4. One morning on the bus ride to school in the 3rd grade, Chad Stanford sneezed on the bus and some snot landed on my leg. Glenn Krohn saw it and threw up.

3. In the 7th grade, we were all at a high school basketball game. Seems like it was on a Saturday evening or early afternoon. A few of us were sitting right behind the girls basketball team. I decide to go to the concession stand, and instead of going around the players chairs and out onto the floor, I decide to be cool and JUMP over one of their empty chairs. As I do this, my foot catches the chair, and I trip and tumble onto the floor. I fell into the basketball rack, which flew onto the court and all the basketballs went everywhere. What's worse, is that I had one of those blue parka jackets that had the flannel inside, and the hood had come up and over my head. So there I am, crawling on the floor trying to get the balls, and I can't see anything because the hood is over my head. The game had to stop, players had to chase all the balls, and the entire crowd is laughing and pointing at me. I finally got up, composed myself, and when all the balls had been collected, walked across the gym to the concession stand. I'm still embarrassed, but the game had started again and no one was laughing. UNTIL...I got almost there, and Weston, who was sitting in the stands with Jenny Johnson, stood up, pointed at me, and got the crowd laughing at me all over again. I think I just crawled up under the gym and spent the next week recovering.

2. While at East Corinth, we usually get pulled into the auditorium to watch those stupid old black and white films. Not sure what grade we were in, but in the middle of one the movies one day, Roger Floyd jumped up, ran to the center isle, and sprinted for the back of the auditorium. It was too late, though. He had his hand over his mouth, but he still started to puke the entire way to the back door of the auditorium. We all cracked up. I don't remember Glenn Krohn throwing-up after witnessing this, but I'm sure he did.

1. Sorry, Glenn, but I gotta mention this. 9th grade. We're in Mrs. Nanny's room for Geometry. Glenn and I are two of the few 9th graders in the room. It's mostly 10th graders, as I recall. Anyway, we were outnumbered for sure. One day, when the room was all quiet while we were taking a test, Glenn sneezes and accidentally farts at the same time. Of course, the entire room dies laughing hysterically. He didn't throw-up at that point, but I'm sure he wanted to.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Jake Laughlin Update

Ok. Here is my shot at an update. Two weeks after we graduated from high school, I headed up to West Point Military Academy. I spent the summer there going through basic training, until the academic year started in September '93. I spent the next 4 years there, and rarely got the chance to come home to Corinth except for times like Thanksgiving and Christmas. I did, however, go to Ole Miss for spring break every year, and hang out with Brett and David. I certainly lived vicariously through them one week out of the year! In May of '93, I graduated from West Point as a 2nd Lieutenant in the US Army.

I spent the summer of '93 in Corinth, trying to catch up with as many people as possible. I also got to experience the Slugburger Festival...what a riot!! In August of '93 I packed up my car and drove to Ft. Sill, Oklahoma to attend the Artillery Officer Basic Course. That lasted 8 months, and then I was attached to a unit at Ft. Sill where I spent the next 3 years as an Artillery Fire Direction Officer and Platoon Leader. I got out of the Army in April of '96 and moved to Dallas, TX, to work for Elk Corporation. I was in Elk's sales training program until October of '96, when I was transferred to Atlanta. And I've been here in Atlanta every since.

I stayed with Elk for a few years, but decided that technology was of more interest to me. So I left Elk to work for MCI, and have also worked in sales and business development capacities at companies like Inflow, Universal Electronics, and EnfoTrust. I'm now in business development for a small software company based out of Sterling, VA.

Back in 1999, I was at a party with some friends (we actually crashed the party...) and met a really nice girl named Hadley Baur who had just moved to Atlanta from St. Louis. She played field hockey for the University of Virginia, was really laid-back, and just a really cool girl. Unfortunately, she was at the party with her boyfriend, so despite hitting it off with her, I struck out. Over the next couple of years, I continued to run into her out and about, and finally in September of '01 we went out on a date. And the rest is history. We got married in Montana in September of '04.

To make life even more exciting and interesting, Hadley and I just had our first child, a baby girl named Sloane, on December 13th, 2006. She is the light of my life, and definitely a "daddy's girl." After years of ranting and raving about never having nor wanting kids, I can't imagine my life without her, and now I want more!!

In terms of hobbies, I'm a music fanatic (over 7,000 albums and counting...), I love fly fishing, and I love to cook (I'd starve if I didn't, as Hadley does NOT cook!). If any of you are ever in the Atlanta area, please give me a call and we'll have you over for dinner and drinks. In fact, Bobby Burns and his wife were in town a few weeks ago, and we had them over for dinner, and it was a blast!!

I hope everyone is doing well, and I look foward to catching up with everyone!!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Welcome to the Blog!!

Ok, fellow '89 Warriors, as well as any other former classmates and/or friends.....insert your drumroll of choice here......the Class of '89 blog is finally here. I know, I know...what the hell is a blog....why do we have one...and how on earth does anyone have time to even mess with a blog....I'm sure these are questions you're asking yourself, and you're probably rolling your eyes. much as we all hate to admit it, staying in touch via email can be a major pain in the butt. Between changing jobs (I'm a pro at this), changing personal email addresses, moving around, etc. I figured trying to stay in touch via email would eventually be more of a hassle than anything. So I decided to create this blog so that we would all have a central (no, not the high school...) place where we can connect with each other. Post updates about our lives, families, and so forth. As well as tell old stories, share great memories, or even rag on each other (I'm a pro at that, too). So for those of you that are computer illiterate, you need to get with the times and at least figure out how to use this blog (it's not that hard, believe me...).

Some features I'd like to point out:

This page here is the front page. As far as I can tell right now, this is going to stay as a static "home page" just to welcome everyone, as well as give you general pointers in using or viewing the blog. I'm using a standard theme for the blog that gives us a main area (here) as well as a side bar (to the right) with stuff like a story archive, mp3 player that plays 80's tunes, link to a Flikr photo album for us to upload old pictures, new pictures, etc. The theme may change from time to time, as I find more useful or functional themes that add cool features or better, easier views.

I have emailed all of the CHS '89 classmates that I have email addresses for, and I've asked you all to sign up for a Google account. In order to join a Blogger blog, you must have a Google account (your Google email address will be your username). Once you have done that, you will be able to log-in to this blog and post stories, updates, etc. Otherwise, you'll just be able to view the blog but not post updates. And as you all should understand, this will be pointless if I'm the only one posting, adding stories and pictures, etc. This needs to be a collaborative effort on the part of us ALL, so that we can reconnect with each other, have fun, and make the most of it.

If you click on a month in the Archive, it will take you to all of the posts for that month. Posts can be updates, funny stories from the past, ideas or comments on anything under the sun, etc. You can also choose to add a comment to someone's post. Think it's funny? Think it's a bunch of BS? Disagree? Then post a comment and let the fun begin...

The Categories section will take you to all posts sorted by category. When you post something, you can associate the post with a category (i.e. humor, friends, family, 1st Grade, college, etc.). That way you can click on a category and see all posts relative to that single category.

The Warrior Photos section will not only display random photos from the Flikr photo account I created for us, but if you click on it, you will be taken to the Flikr photo gallery where you can upload your own photos, as well. Once you upload your photos, you can then create a "set" so that your photos can be collected or grouped in that set..which is more or less an album. can't create the set until after you've uploaded your photos. If you have any questions on this, just email me and I'll walk you through it.

The Links section is basically just links to other blogs or sites that might be relative to us. I have added links to my personal blog as well as another blog I created when my daughter, Sloane, was born. So for any of you that have sites on My Space or just personal sites you've created, feel free to send me the link and I'll add it to the section.

And that's basically it. Like I said, the site's look and feel might change from time to time, but the general functionality should stay the same. I truly hope that all of you participate and make this worthwhile. We are all busy with work and family or personal stuff. And maybe some of you out there just don't care to stay connected...and that's fine, too. All that I ask is that you give it a shot. Corinth was and still is a special place for all of us, and even if some of us weren't "close" or didn't run with the same group of kids way back then, we're all older now and realize (or at least I do) that no matter who were are now, who we were back then, or's great to catch up with old friends, tell old stories, and get to know each other all over again. I hope this makes sense, I hope you all give it a shot, and I can't wait to see where all of this goes!!

I look forward to watching the action unfold!!

