Happy Birthday to Valerie and Vandy
Today is Valerie Meyers' and Vandy Saylors' birthdays! Please wish them a happy one and share an old story or two if you can!
Today is Valerie Meyers' and Vandy Saylors' birthdays! Please wish them a happy one and share an old story or two if you can!
Posted by
2:45 PM
Categories: Birthday
Holy Cow...I just thought of this today and found it on YouTube. Anyone else remember this show? Totally takes me back!!!
Posted by
6:07 PM
Categories: TV
I keep in touch with some of you thru myspace and this blog is fun to post for everyone to see, but, myspace is kinda good to chat one on one...For those of you not signed up, do so, and let's keep in touch o;)
My MySpace URL: myspace.com/msangel71
Add me on if you sign up!!!!
Posted by
Angel Wilburn
10:08 AM
I just received word from 2 different sources that, any minute now, Tony Sagraves will go home to be with the Lord. Everyone be in prayer that his passing will be as quick and as peaceful as possible. I will keep everyone posted as I receive information...
Posted by
6:25 PM
Posted by
Kim ( Ivy) Bradley
11:01 AM
Ok, so for those of your that don't know, I am teaching at Tupelo High School now. We just moved back to North Mississippi last year, and it is amazing how some things NEVER change.
Anyway, I am teaching 9th grade Accelerated Biology, and as you would expect, before the school year actually started, parents were walking down the hall an checking out the buildings. Well, it just so happened that I was working in my room and I heard these voices in the hall......I knew I recognized them, but really couldn't remember where I knew them from.
They stopped by my room and introduced themselves..., "Hi, you are going to be my daughter's biology teacher", he said. "This is Megan and I am her father Tom".....and then it HIT ME LIKE A TON OF BRICKS. It was Tom Campbell, from KZ 103.
When I figured it out, we started talking about the senior party at my house (he DJ'd for those of you who don't remember) and his daughter started talking about it as if she had been there with us. Tom said he had told his daughter all about the party and the pizza. He wasn't even married when I had that party and now, I am teaching his daughter!!!! Crazy world isn't it.......but it does make you realize that TIME FLIES!!!!!
Posted by
Jeannie Sauls
8:14 AM
Some of you know I have been in the hospital- in ICU of the Myelosuppresion unit of Baptist East. I was admitted through the ER on Sunday (6/17 Father's Day). I woke unable to go to the bathroom that morning. Anyway after about 13 hours of severe pain and multiple catheters they finally got me a room. Once my doctor got a look at me he called surgery RIGHT THEN. They went in my bladder and removed 1 liter of clots. After that surgery I felt like a million bucks, but by Wednesday I began to hurt again and yep it was the clots. By Friday the pain was so bad that I was ready to just roll over and give up. Well i refuse to do that - so the doctor came in, took one look at me, and 2 hours later I was in surgery AGAIN. So how long will I be in the hospital? I have no idea. I will try to keep you guys informed. Both my doctors told my mother that I had till around Christmas to live. I personally think they can stuff it I ain't going no where.
Posted by
Tony Sagraves
9:17 AM
I got this in the mail today and realized that I never informed the class about Stephan's new baby girl! He told me I could post a note about it back in May, but I totally forgot. Anyway, thought y'all might want to know!
Posted by
4:27 PM
Categories: Baby Announcement
My gut feeling is that some of you folks that still live in Corinth probably take it for granted. Sure, there are some advantages to living in a bigger city, but at the same time, there are disadvantages. Anyway, I caught myself thinking about more things that I love(d) about Corinth, so I just thought I'd share. It could be that some of these are so old that they don't apply to Corinth any longer. Either way, if you also remember some of these and you do indeed agree that they are special, then perhaps this post did its job...
1. The old airplanes at the city park - as a kid, nothing was more fun and adventurous than climb onto and into those old planes.
2. The high-dive at the YMCA - jumping off it was one thing, but diving was another. I never learned how to do a flip, so I sure as hell didn't try one from the high-dive. I can also remember running and jumping off and trying to touch some insulation that was hanging from the rafters above the pool.
3. Judy Whitehurst's tree house - given she was my neighbor, I spent a lot of time in that damn thing. It was perfect for hiding from kids in the neighborhood and then starting a dirt clod war from up there.
4. The twin lakes in North Hills - these were in front of Merrell's house, and lots of kids in the neighborhood spent many summer fishing in them. When it snowed in the Winter, you could sled down Merrell's driveway and continue down to the lake. If you were me, you pretended like you actually went INTO the lake, and then you had Judy and Cynthia pull you on the sled all the way to Cynthia's house to prevent you from getting "frost bite."
5. Phillips Creek - this creek ran the length of Snake Road, and for many years, it was a sure bet you'd find me, Glenn, or John Stanford in that creek. Now Bobby Burns lives right next to it!
6. Webster Street Bridge - as a kid, there was no better bridge in town than this. Whether it was sledding down it in the Winter or watching Weston jump from it onto a moving train, this bridge had it all!
7. CHS Football Games - sure, playing in them was fun...but nothing beat going to them as a kid. Sure, we loved to watch "some" of the game...we were really there to wad up the paper cups and run around throwing them at each other at the end of the stadium. And while I'm on the subject, nothing could beat the music the band played as the team ran out on the field!!
8. The Big Tree on the East Corinth Playground - remember that huge tree that had fallen and I guess the school just made it part of the playground? That thing was so much fun to climb on!!
9. The Corinth Christmas Parade - how much fun was that?! As a kid, watching all the floats...back when the companies from the industrial park would compete for the best float? Man, they had some really cool ones. And Santa was always the last float...and threw out candy...awesome!!
10. "The Strip" - need I say more??
I'm sure I could think of a million more, but I just thought I'd get it started...
Your thoughts?
Posted by
10:57 PM
Categories: Corinth
David Dixon called me last night after visiting Tony in the hospital. He said that over the last couple of weeks, Tony's situation has grown worse and he's in pretty bad shape. For those of you in Memphis, please consider paying him a visit. I'm in the process of making travel arrangements to Memphis to also visit him.
Please, regardless of whether you knew Tony that well or not, I think he could use as much support as possible right now. For those of you that are close to Memphis, please consider trying to pay him a visit.
David has given me his hospital information:
Baptist Memorial Hospital East
6019 Walnut Grove Road
Memphis, TN 38120
Phone: 901.226.5000
Stay tuned.....
Posted by
10:56 AM
Categories: Class Emergency
I ran across these pictures today and thought I'd scan a few of them in for the blog. I'm pretty sure these are from a night back in 1986, around Christmas time...at Trey Brewster's house. Well, I'm positive it was at Trey's, but I could be wrong about the year. I have a strong hunch it was our 10th grade year, though.
Anyway, Brett, Weston and I were spending the night at Trey's, and I guess we just got bored (not hard to do, right?) and I started taking pictures. Brett was in his phase of putting all this zit cream on his face at night, Weston had somehow found part of a wig, and Trey...well....I'll let you be the judge of that...
Posted by
11:09 AM
Categories: 10th Grade
Posted by
12:20 AM
I see lots of new names on the list, but somehow you peeps are forgetting that this whole Blog is really about staying in touch and keeping up with what everyone is up to these days. I would sure love to see updates from Shawn Glidewell, Channing "Slug" Wims, and a few others. Let's go, people!!
Posted by
5:02 PM
Categories: Rants
Thought some of you might get a kick out of this. I told you a few months ago that I had some more tricks up my sleeve. So it made sense to pull another one of them out tonight. Enjoy!!
Some of these are hilarious. Mine, on the otherhand, was just utterly, flat-out STUPID...I cringe when I watch that....ugh.....
Posted by
10:00 AM
Categories: Prom 1989
So, I'm sitting here starving my butt off late at night, and I thought I'd have some fun here and poll the class about food. Think back to the good ol' days growing up in Corinth. What were some of your favorite foods?
Here are mine, in no certain order:
1. Bobby Burns' dad's soup burgers
2. Weston's mother's buttermilk biscuits
3. Dilworth's hot tamales
4. Slugburgers from the White Trolley
5. Pete's Pizza
6. Sopapillas from Carlos' Tacos
7. Chili dog from Tommy Taylor at the YMCA
8. Eddie Burger at the Hillandale Country Club
9. Roast beef sandwich at Danvers
10. Cheeseburger and fries at CHS
Let's go...let's hear 'em!!!!
Posted by
11:12 PM
Categories: Food
I don't know if everyone is aware, but Shawntelle Patterson's Mother passed away last week. Her funeral was Tuesday morning in Corinth, and I sent a flower spray from the CHS Class of 1989. The card read: "With Deepest Sympathy, You are in our thoughts and prayers, The CHS Class of 1989"
Posted by
11:06 AM
Categories: Class Emergency
Great up-date Torey, I found several videos on You-Tube but I think these show his talent best.
And here is Jay :
Now that is two talented people.....
Posted by
Bobby Burns
3:05 PM
Posted by
10:32 PM
I found Shawn via Classmates.com and sent him an email a few months ago. He finally responded on Friday, and now he's on the blog! Shawn, just in case you haven't seen them by now, I posted a few pictures earlier this year, and you were in a few of them.
When you get a chance, please post an update so we all know where you are and what you've been up to all these years!!!
Thanks for joining the blog!!
Posted by
10:34 PM
Categories: Greetings
Where does time go? My baby just finished her last day of school for the year, and will be going into the 5th grade in the fall...It was 5th grade when I first started Corinth...That seems just like yesterday...And I can so clearly remember many of my last days of school...I know that all of the rest of you mommies and daddies out there can relate to me...OUR BABIES ARE GROWING UP...So, love em and enjoy their youth and innocence every day!!!!
Posted by
Angel Wilburn
5:02 PM
I know I probably should have used the "comment" feature for this, but I thought I'd just go ahead and post it this way...
Bobby, those videos completely take me back in time. Whitesnake totally reminds me of our Junior Year in high school. The summer before our Junior year, I remember Whitesnake became huge! The video you showed below came out (I think) during the school year, and I can remember Tawny Kitaen driving me crazy in that video!! The Don Henley video "Boys of Summer" came out towards the end of our 8th grade year. To this day, that is one of my favorite songs (and videos) of all time. The UTFO video doesn't ring a bell, but I do indeed remember the song. That Cameo video and song is one of the songs that TOTALLY takes me back to 9th grade. "Word Up" came out in mid 1986, and when I hear that song, it takes me back to the days of the high school dances. Man, I can remember dancing to that song at a few of those dances, and also listening to it in Bobby's car. That red jock strap cracks up to this day!! Edie Brickell reminds of our Senior year, but more than anything, it reminds me of Dane Barker. He was obsessed with Edie! I think I remember him showing up later in the week during Spring Break when we were all out at Taylor Archer's cabin at Pickwick. Seems like Dane came late (maybe with Stephen Brooks) because they'd gone to Memphis to see her in concert. Whenever I hear a song off her "Shooting Rubberbands at the Moon" album, it totally reminds me of the latter part of our Senior year. MC Hammer...I remember the song, but it doesn't really trigger any memories of high school. He really reminds me of college, however, because his song "U Can't Touch This" came out when I was at West Point.
I'll post some videos later that really remind me of the good ol' days. Thanks for posting those, Side Burns!!!!
Posted by
11:49 AM
Categories: General
I live in Kentucky were my wife and I bought her parents Independent Insurance Agency. We have 3 children...all boys. Our first two are 5 year old Twins named Layton and Jordan (not identical) and we also have a 2 year old named Ryan. Most of our time is spent around their life and the rest is spent in my golfing and our church. We get back to Mississippi often to Pickwick (where my folks live) and catch a few 2 or 3 football games each year. I spent 10 years in Nashville prior to moving to Kentucky. I spend my time now: church, golf, occasional tennis, guitar, work! Work last of course. I had a great time reading all the posts and seeing the pictures. I will try to figure this out and get some family photos up ASAP! The pictures bring back many memories that make me realize that I do miss those days and you all. Hard to believe our life away from each other is now as long as we, in some cases, knew each other. Hopefully, this will allow me to stay in touch with you all.
Torey Hammett
Posted by
12:54 AM
Categories: Classmate Update
Since there has not been much activity on the blog lately, I thought I would post some of my favorite videos from back-in-the-day. Let me know what you think....
More to come.....
Posted by
Bobby Burns
4:22 PM
Here is the Update on myself I sent out Sunday:
Well started my new treatment last Monday. Was supposed to go into the hospital that morning and be out by Wed Night/Thurs Morning. Well things didnt go that way. After getting into the Oncology unit Monday around 3:30pm & because of numerous problems we ran into- I finally got my 1st treatment around 11pm. I wont lie- I asked for the them to throw the kitchen sink at me and they did. The 1st night treatment was hell. Never have I been so sick. Never had I such crazyiness with going to the bathroom & Never had I been so scared. We had to delay the treatment the next day as they tried to figure some of the issues I was having from the 1st time. My 2nd treatment started Thursday night at around 9:30pm and again things started going wrong- we pushed forward and started the 3rd treatment Friday around 9:30pm. I finally got to come home on Sunday around 2:30pm. Monday morning we had to rush to the Dr office for I had a complete blockage of my urinary tract. This was not fun and I wont go into details. Basically I am bleeding internally into my bladder and as fast as my body tries to stop it I am passing the clots(Very painful). My blood is still all screwy I go back Thursday to have it checked again- if it is still low I'll have to have a trasfusion. Luckily my mother, father, sister, & Ex-wife are all same blood type as I am. I still feel very ill. I am hoping for a quick recorvery now that I am home.
Posted by
Tony Sagraves
12:21 PM
If any of you are reading this blog with your stupid Bluetooth mobile phone headset in your ear, TAKE IT OUT! That's my new pet peeve....people who walk around with that thing in their ears, when they aren't even talking on it!! I was on a flight a month or so ago, and some dude flew the entire way from Las Vegas to Atlanta with his headset in his ear. Four and a half hours on a plane, when he can't talk on his phone, and he left it in his ear. What an idiot....
Posted by
11:20 AM
Categories: Rants
Today is Jana's birthday! Unless I'm way off track, it should be her 36th, as well. She has yet to post her update, so in theory she's not supposed to be getting a birthday wish, but hey...it's a Tuesday, so why not be nice. Jana, I hope you have a great birthday, and when you get a chance, post an update for us so we all know how you're doing!
Posted by
11:18 AM
Categories: Birthday
Sorry for not posting this on time...I accidentally saved it as a draft instead of publishing it. Friday (March 4th) was Kelly Glenn's birthday. As usual, it was her 36th birthday. Since I posted that "Madonna" picture of her a few months ago, I won't further humiliate her by posting additional oldies...but please know that I do indeed have them and will certainly keep them at the ready should they need to be exposed. Hope you had a great birthday!
And for those of you that would like to take the initiative next time, there is a CHS '89 calendar on this blog that has everyone's birthdays on it. I don't have to be the only one doing this!!!
Posted by
11:14 AM
Categories: Birthday
Sorry, but for some reaon the Recent Commments widget stopped working properly. I'll try to figure it out and hope to get it back up and working...
Posted by
11:13 AM
Categories: General
Just wanted you all to know that I added a widget to the blog (on the right side bar, under the music player) that shows the last five comments posted to the blog. This should be the easiest way to see comments as they are posted, and will keep you from having to weed through old posts to see if anyone has commented.
Furthermore, please do not post any future comments without logging into the blog first. Anonymous posts really aren't wanted or welcome here, as we're all supposed to be friends, and if you can't post something with your name attached to it, then you probably shouldn't be posting it in the first place.
Posted by
4:30 PM
Categories: General
I know I mentioned something about this movie in an earlier post, but I wanted to mention it again. I was channel surfing late last night and ran across this movie and decided to watch a little of it. I don't think I've seen it since we watched it in the library in the 4th grade at East Corinth Elementary. For whatever reasons, when we were in the 4th grade, our entire class gathered in the library to watch movies a few times that year. I think we watched Mary Poppins one time, and then another time we watched The Black Stallion. As I watched it last night, I was surprised at how much I remember from that movie. But what really shocked me is the fact that it was released back in 1979. At first thought, that's not that big of a deal. But when you stop and think about it, that was 28 YEARS AGO!!!! My God it seems like it was yesterday...28 YEARS??? Man o man how time flies. That scares the hell out of me!!!
Posted by
9:51 AM
Categories: 4th Grade
Again, I still need to get home and hop on the scanner and scan in some great pics...and I will do so TONIGHT...I promise. Anyway, I wanted to post this early this time...HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BRETT! Today is the big day, and I'm sure you'll celebrate in style. 36 years is a long time, my friend.
One memory I'll share with everyone is from back when we were in the 8th grade. Brett and I had Spanish I together, and boy did we have fun. Not only did we have the hots for Mrs. Rushing, but we cut-up in the class more than anyone. One day, we were in the midst of learning the Imperfect Indicative of -ar verbs: a, abas, aba, abamos, abais, aban. Brett and I kept repeating that over and over, and the more we did, the "funnier" we thought we were being, and thus the more we laughed. Next thing you know, both of us are rolling on the floor laughing, and we just couldn't stop. Mrs. Rushing finally had had enough, and she sent us down to Mr. Burress' office. We got down there, and waited in that little room across from the office. Then Mrs. Rushing came down and told him what we had done. He asked us each to come into his office, and Brett went first. Next thing I know, I hear three LOUD whacks, and Brett literally came running out of his office holding his butt. I nearly died. I wanted to laugh, as it was one heck of a funny sight, but the fact that I was next obviously kept me from laughing. I went in, and let me tell you...that man lit my *ss up!!! I must admit, however, that Brett and I continued to torture Mrs. Rushing. We enjoyed it so much, in fact, that we took not only Spanish II the following year, but also Spanich III in the 10th grade!!!
Posted by
9:32 AM
Categories: Birthday
That's right, yet another Warrior birthday. Ol' Todd turns the big 3-6 today. I'm not at home to scan any pictures, but did want to at least post a birthday wish to Todd. I know I've mentioned this before, but the one memory of Todd that stands out the most is one from back when we were in the 4th grade. Todd, Bobby, and I were sitting next to each other in Mrs. Vandiver's music room, waiting for try-outs for the Christmas play. Todd sneezed, and a small piece of ham came out of his nose!! I thought Bobby and I were going to die we were laughing so hard!! Glenn Krohn (as usual) saw it and immediately threw-up all over the place. I must, since that time, I've NEVER seen anyone sneeze anything out of his/her nose. Todd, you are a skilled man, to say the least.
Oh, and despite the fact that you STILL haven't posted your update on what you've been up to all these years, I decided that since you're such a nice guy, I'd go ahead and post this birthday wish.....hint, hint...!
Posted by
5:30 PM
Categories: Birthday
For the past 6-7 weeks my pain has gotten better and better. I have been more and more tired as the treatments continue.
now to the news - I went to the Dr today for my Scan- I wasn't sure what to expect- I knew the pain was better, but you just never know. Well BAD NEWS again. The cancer continues to grow I now have 3 spots- the cancer in the area of my bladder is again the size of a baseball- the cancer in the rib area IS in the rib bone- and now I am showing a spot on my right hip bone. Dr Tauer who is my dr at the West clinic is calling my Dr at MD Anderson in Houston today to discuss what to do next- hopfully they come up with something that will work or at least slow the cancers growth. He did say that if they can not come up with something soon that I will most likely only have a few months left to live.
Those were the hardest words I have ever had to listen too....
Please continue to pray for I will continue to FIGHT..
I'll keep you guys posted as I find things out.
Posted by
Tony Sagraves
12:15 PM
Okay, there were those movies that we girls loved, also, that probably most of the guys by this point and time had tagged as CHICK FLICKS...I loved Molly Ringwald...I wonder how many girls wanted to be like MOLLY....
This first one; LOVED IT, STILL LOVE IT, OWN IT & WATCH IT WHENEVER I WANT :) Yes, I fell in love with Duckie the first time that I saw it just bce of this scene right here...
Now, this one, another MOLLY classic...Still makes me laugh so hard whenever I watch it...And Jake(not you Jake, but Jake in the movie)...OMG; how hot was he....And Long Duck Dong; "WHAT'S UH HAPPENIN HOT STUFF" :)...
Posted by
Angel Wilburn
2:16 PM
This movie scared the hell out of me!! Esp. the part where the guy is looking over the boat into the water and Jason jumps up and pulls him in by his hair....
Posted by
Bobby Burns
12:38 AM
I'm gonna post this one today for everyone to get a laugh out of over the wkd...Our Senior year, I had only been at Southaven for 3 years...I had made friends, but, still so missed all of ya'll at Corinth...My parents knew this, so, wanted to do something nice to bring me back together with all of my Corinth friends before we all graduated...So, my Uncle Charles had a place up at the lake that we had gone to for years, so, mom and dad said "Let's do something there for all of you kids"...Well, as it ended up, a lot of people were going out of town that wkd for different reasons and on top of that it RAINED that Friday and Saturday, so, we didn't get to get outside too much...But, for those of you that did make it up there, THANK YOU, and I will always remember it...Here are a few of the great pictures that were taken that day :)
Posted by
5:45 PM
Categories: Senior Year
Bobby, here is another one to add to your list of classics...
Posted by
Angel Wilburn
9:53 AM
Here are a few more that I thought of. See what you think about them..
What about this guy???
And this one was mentioned in the last one.
And this is one of my Son's favorites.
More to come......
Posted by
Bobby Burns
11:06 PM
It's funny that Kim mentioned the Friendship Pins because I meant to post this a few days ago! I remember lots of the girls making these things and putting them on their shoestrings:
If these don't remind of the 80's...like the 5th or 6th grade, then I don't know what does!!
Posted by
12:38 PM
Categories: The 80's
I was thinking about all of our fashion statements that we made back in the 80's! Some of them were pretty cool, but, some of them were just outright UGLY! I remember that all of us girls at one point and time loved the Go-Go's, and wanted to be one wearing our off the shoulder tops and mini dresses and wrap belts...Madonna; YEAH, she was a fashion idol to us! The rubber bangle bracelets and the little lace gloves! The NEON colors; OH GOODNESS! Now, I think that I would have done that one over again if I could have...Leg warmers!!!! ha ha ha! I had such short legs anyways, I don't know why insisted on wrapping half of them up in a sweater! Jelly shoes, RELAX t-shirts, swatch watches, and girls, let's not forget the homemade ribbon barrettes from our childhood!!!! Izod, Panama Jack, Camp Beverly Hills, Guess, Gasoline, and for all of you boys, the skinny ties and Miami Vice look
definitely pop in my head! Add some more, bce I know that I'm forgetting so many things!
Posted by
Angel Wilburn
9:51 AM
....I'm pleased to announce that Mr. Mike Winterscheidt has joined the blog. Hopefully his slack ass will post an update soon....stay tuned...
Posted by
10:21 PM
Categories: Greetings
OH, I have even more, but, I'm spreading them out a little at a time...ENJOY and have a great day o:)
Posted by
Angel Wilburn
11:07 AM
I got another one! Wendy just joined tonight, so please...everyone welcome her to the CHS blog! Hopefully Wendy will post an update soon so we all know what she's up to. Thanks for joining, Wendy!!!
Posted by
11:01 PM
Categories: Greetings
Lottie and I were talking yesterday about things that were in style when I was a kid and things that we were into as youngsters...These two things popped into my mind and came up in our conversation...She thought that it was HILARIOUS that we bought HATS at the Jr. Food Market(or quick shop)as she calls them today!!! And also that we chewed on those toothpicks...Oh, what little MISSISSIPPI kids we were!(but, I wouldn't change a thing)
Posted by
Angel Wilburn
11:41 AM
I heard through the grapevine that Michael Wright's wife's name is "Always". Can someone please verify this? Thanks!
Posted by
3:35 PM
Categories: Question
Thanks for inviting me Jake but I have to say you must have way too much time on your hands to be "blogging" this much! But seriously, you have accumulated quite a following and it will be fun to catch up on some many people.
Back to the subject at hand....I am Blair Hederman (formerly known as Blair Biggers) and unfortuantely had to leave you fun people after the 4th grade. Though as we all know, Selmer is not that far and I was able to keep up with many Corinthians. After graduation from McNairy Central I went to Ole Miss with many from CHS '89. There I met my husband Doug (MRA '89)--- who coincidentally was a fellow short term Choctaw with one Brett Butler (one year at Mississippi College was enough for both of them!!). I moved to Memphis in 1992 and went to Physical Therapy school at UT Memphis and graduated in 1994. Doug and I got married in December of '94 and moved to Little Rock, AR. I worked in Orthopaedics at St Vincent Med. Center and privately for a group of surgeons and he worked for an advertising agency doing public policy work. In February of 1999, we had our son Holt (now 8) and moved that May to Jackson, MS where Doug went to work for his family's printing company and I temporarily (yet the temporary is becoming more permanent) retired from the medical world. We also have a daughter Sara (age 5) and stay very busy with the two of them with school and extra curricular activities. Holt is in the 2nd grade at 1st Pres Day School and Sara is in preschool at Covenant (with Jake's nieces).
We make school our first priority; but outdoor activities and sports are our family's real love. Many full family outings of golf, hunting, rafting, biking, skiing, tennis etc keep us busy and in pretty good shape!! Doug coaches Holt's baseball team (which is his favorite sport) and Sara is playing T Ball for the first time and that is very entertaining--tennis is much more her thing! I am (insanely) training for a half marathon in Nashville, TN at the end of the month and will be happy to sleep late on Saturdays again SOON!!
We enjoy seeing "Corinth-folk" around Jackson, in Oxford, or when we go home and will enjoy catching up with some through the blog that aren't so close (Sarah Lyle!!) I have a friend here who is not from MS and she once said to me that "Mississippi is not a state it is a club" and that is such the truth. The world is so small and there is always a connection with Mississippians! Anyway, hope everyone is doing well and thanks again Jake!
Posted by
6:04 PM
Categories: Classmate Update
Well, I tracked down yet another former classmate of ours. I'm sure most of you will remember Blair Biggers. She grew up in Corinth and was in school with us through the 4th grade. Then she moved to Selmer, TN and finished school at McNairy Central. Anyway, I wanted to invite her to join us, as she was an integral part of our lives for many years, and I'd love to get her on here to post some good ol' stories and maybe even tell some embarrassing things about people like Brett and David at Ole Miss.....
Thanks for joining, Blair, and I hope to see an update from you soon!!!
Posted by
4:11 PM
Categories: Greetings
First, thanks Jake, for including me in the 89 Warrior blog!.....second, it "Jeannie Cafferata"...not Caffereta :-) lol
That's why I picked someone with an easier name to spell...Sauls isn't quite as difficult, although I am amazed at the different pronunciations.
Well, quick update...We have been living in Clinton, MS for several years and I have been a teacher/cheerleader coach for the past 3 (go figure). Last year, Johnny was offered a job in Tupelo, and we have now been in Tupelo for the past year. I was a little conflicted about moving here, but it is such a good feeling to be close to my parents ( and I have run in to several classmates). I am teaching 9th grade Accelerated Biology at Tupelo High School ( 9th graders are truly a breed of their own)
My son, Caleb will be 6 on the 26th of this month! He is the spitting image of his father and the personality of....well....his own.
My step son, Patrick, is 13. He goes to school in Byram (Jackson suburb) so we do a little traveling each month.
I was sitting down, trying to think of some memories to share, and the only thing I could picture was the time it iced over and we were all in a Jimmy (maybe Taylor Archer's) and he was pulling Jake and Brett and I think Trey, by a rope attached to the trailer hitch. They were all on their stomachs sliding down the road on the ice. I just get this image of Jake's face as he was about to go UNDER THE TRUCK. All of us put our feet out in an attempt to stop him, but we really just ended up kicking him in the face....sorry Jake!
Posted by
Jeannie Sauls
12:39 PM
Categories: Classmate Update
Just wanted everyone to know that I tracked Jeannie (Cafferata) Sauls down, and she's now a member of the blog!!! Let's keep our fingers crossed that she posts an update soon. In the meantime, everyone welcome her to the blog!!!
Posted by
10:07 AM
Categories: Greetings
Hey everybody. OK, so Im a slacker, I know. However, Im gonna fix that. I am going to compose a little update for ya in the next couple of days. Might even try to dig up some interesting photos or something, who knows?? For now though, just a couple of things. Jake, you've done a heckuva job with this, and we all owe ya a big thanks. Im still in Corinth, so anytime any of you guys come to town, give me a shout. Im living in Farmington, but dont hold that against me. Quick contact info: cell-662-415-2440; rattlesnak316@hotmail.com ; and yes, the infamous myspace page, www.myspace.com/ibleedutorange . Im pretty easy to reach. Thats all I have for now, but I promise an full update soon. And Tony, special note to you...Im praying for you, and I wish you a speedy successful recovery!!!
Posted by
Vandy Saylors
5:34 PM
Categories: Classmate Update
Okay kiddos....I wanted to do something different to show those of you who read on here but don't post that you can pretty much post whatever...It doesn't have to be just stuff that happened @ Corinth, but, you can talk about current events in your life right now, too(Jake, if I'm wrong, please correct me)I guess I just want to say, think outside of the box...If you have no pictures or great stories of the past, well then chime in and let everyone know what you are doing right now...Okay for my story: Brandon Jackson played ball @ Horn Lake High School and my brother had the honor of getting to coach him for two years....He's going out for the drafts this month, and we are all just saying a little prayer that he's gonna go all the way...Okay, I know some of you are thinking, "He's just another football player"...He's not, though...He's an amazing, humble, kind-hearted, young man that so deserves good things....He's worked so hard both academically and athletically, and if anyone is deserving, Brandon is...He graduated high school by the skin of his teeth only by the assistance of tutors and some special education classes, and after a couple of semesters @ Nebraska, ended up on the Dean's list....He's overcome so many obstacles; I will not tell all the stories bce it might bore some, but, please just say a little prayer for him that he is going to be playing in the NFL this coming season...He deserves it all!!!!
Posted by
Angel Wilburn
3:01 PM
Posted by
Bobby Burns
11:57 AM
Who remembers these?!
I remember Jonathan McFarlen had one of these. I vaguely remember the smaller ones, but I definitely remember the big ones. They were 24" tall, but back then we were so little, they seemed to be much taller...like they came up to our chest!!!
Posted by
10:49 AM
Categories: Toys
Check this out and tell me it doesn't trigger some memories!!!
Posted by
1:53 AM
Categories: Videos
Posted by
Bobby Burns
4:57 PM
Some of these are obviously subjective, but here are my answers nonetheless:
1. Name one person who had a Colecovision.
A. Chad Potts
2. Name two people who had an Intellivision.
A. Bobby Burns & Taylor Archer
3. Name five bus drivers from "back in the day."
A. Mr. Calvery, Dillingham, Mr. Pierce, Mrs. Farroh, Scoop
4. When we were in grade school, what did the CHS cheerleaders bring by our rooms to sell us to raise money? What day of the week did they typically do this?
A. I do remember the pins and ribbons, but what I was referring to was the Warrior suckers that they would sell us. It was a huge red Warrior head sucker and the lines on the Warrior face were white. Remember?
5. What was the actual name of these people: Tubby, Benny Hill, Disco, Homer, Ozzy, Mr. Machine, Flounder, Mr. Mac, Peaches, Poo Poo, Side, Shmoo Butt, Hook Nose, Mrs. Soul Train, Big Daddy, Flap Jack.
A. Tracy Northcutt, John Works, Johnny Campbell, Brent Smith, Ken Harp, Brett Butler, Brett Butler, Clint McClamrock, Mrs. Warren, Angela Brown, Bobby Burns, John Bell, Brian Hudson, Mrs. Sorrell, Roddy Wade, Michael Green.
6. Who said, "Coach....I gotta poop!"
A. Scott Caldwell said this to Coach Smiley at an 8th grade football practice.
7. The person in #6 punched someone in the face when he tried to steal some french fries when we were in the 6th grade. Who got punched? And what happened after that?
A. Scott punched Jeremy Miller in the throat, and Jeremy grabbed his throat and started freaking out. Two or three of us ran all the way to Jeremy's mothers room to get her....and she ran all the way in those brown earth shoes!!!
8. When we were in the 6th grade, there was actually a bomb threat. Who's mother came and got him and made him leave school that morning?
A. Chad Graves
9. What was Tommy Taylor's nickname?
A. Hong Kong
10. Who could strain really hard and squirt water/tears out of her eyes?
A. Tracy Robbinson
11. Who used to suck her thumb AND stick her index finger up her nose at the same time?
A. Latonya Grossman
12. Who was the meanest teacher when we were in the 3rd grade?
A. Mrs. Cruise
13. Who was the meanest teacher when we were in the 4th grade?
A. Mrs. Taylor....Mrs. Stephens wasn't exactly "nice" but I was scared to death of Mrs. Taylor!!
14. Who was the meanest teacher when we were in the 2nd grade?
A. I was always scared of both Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Lawhorn
15. When we were in the 8th grade, what teacher was famous for falling asleep in class?
A. Mr. Betts! Don't you remember all the stories we heard about how people would go nuts after he dozed off? I think his room was at the end of the 8th grade hallway, where Mrs. Wait's room was...at the end down from Mrs. Hollin's room, in the corner.
16. Who got caught spitting loogies on the wall across from the band hall one morning before school in the 9th grade?
A. Jake!
17. What 1st grade classroom had the treehouse in its room?
A. Mrs. Wroten
18. When we were at East Corinth and would be standing in line along the hall in front of Mrs. Vandiver's room for lunch, who could we almost always count on seeing walking back to the classroom after peeing in his/her pants?
A. As I recall, it was always Chuck Hodum
19. Who were the tallest two girls in our class when we were at East Corinth?
A. Kolette Morrison and Andrea Garrett
20. In the 3rd grade, what girl always carried a comb around in her back pocket?
A. I remember Jennifer Pace doing that, but she totally denies it!!
21. Who had a dog named Rosie?
A. Judy Whitehurst
22. Who had a dog named Sheeba?
A. Cynthia Gibson
23. Who had a dog named Candy?
A. Weston White
24. Who had a dog named Charlie?
A. Trey Brewster
25. Who was Johnny J. Rambo?
A. Mike Wintersheidt's father
26. How did Coach Smilie grade his tests?
A. I remember him bragging about putting a grade on each of his steps at home, and then throwing the tests down the stairs. Whatever step your test landed on, that was the grade you received....
27. Who had the biggest collection of Hot Wheels and/or match box cars?
A. Glenn Krohn....he had so many that he kept them in huge tackle boxes!
28. When we were in the 4th grade, we all sat in the library and watched a movie. What movie was it?
A. I remember watching Black Beauty. During this movie, Bobby Burns and I took the "Sissy Test" from Michael Nash. We sat there while Michael scratched the top of our hands with his fingernail. He did this for the entire movie until we had huge holes in the tops of our hands. To this day, I still have the scar!!
29. When we were in the 7th grade, what substitute teacher would wear Converse high-tops?
A. Richard Peeples
30. When we were in the 4th grade, there was an old man that worked in the caffeteria and would hang out by the back door. He wore black-rimmed glasses, had no teeth, and was missing a few fingers. What was his name?
A. Mr. Knight....I can't believe Bobby doesn't remember him because Bobby used to impersonate him!!!
Posted by
12:00 PM
Categories: Quiz
I'm late in posting this, so please forgive me. But it's still Wednesday, so I think I'm good to go. Anyway, today is Traci Haskett's birthday. Another Warrior bites the dust and turns 36! Traci, I hope you had a great day, and that you and your daughter (and hopefully your son) got to do something really special! Oh, and we can't forget about your three dogs, too. Hopefully ALL of you were able to find something to do as one big family!!
My wife is asleep right now, and the box that has the pictures in it is under the bed, so I won't be able to post any pictures of Traci right this minute. BUT...give me until tomorrow afternoon, and I'll post one or two that I have...
One memory of Traci that sticks in my mind is the fact that she lived next door to Stephen Brooks. I recall being over at Stephen's one day, and there were one or two others there. I could be wrong, but I seem to remember mooning her through Stephen's bedroom window. Odd memory, I know, but hey...you can't help what you remember. Traci, sorry you had to look at our butts...
I also seem to recall Traci having an Electra Woman and Dyna Girl lunchbox. Traci, is that accurate? I doubt many people will remember that show, but it was popular on Saturday mornings in the mid to late 70's. I could be wrong, but for some reason I remember Traci having that lunchbox.
And didn't you have a Dachshund dog? That's a stretch of a memory, but I seem to remember that, too.
Anyway, I'll try to add more tomorrow when I post your picture(s). I hope you had a happy birthday!!!
Posted by
11:56 PM
Categories: Birthday
I wanted to see how many of these people you can name. There are some that I have forgotten so I hope they are the ones somebody else remembers..
Posted by
Bobby Burns
5:35 PM
Here's a picture taken from one of our first Boy Scout camping trips. If I remember correctly, we started this troop in 1982 when we were in the 6th grade. Can you name all of these people?
Posted by
12:16 PM
Categories: 6th Grade, Boy Scouts
Ok. Sorry it's been so long since I posted something. Seems like Angel, Bobby, and I are the constants here, so I thought I'd take a break and see who would step up to the plate. Oh well...
I had a lot of fun trying to answer all of Brett's questions a while back. So, I decided to try it myself. Have fun!!
1. Name one person who had a Colecovision.
2. Name two people who had an Intellivision.
3. Name five bus drivers from "back in the day."
4. When we were in grade school, what did the CHS cheerleaders bring by our rooms to sell us to raise money? What day of the week did they typically do this?
5. What was the actual name of these people: Tubby, Benny Hill, Disco, Homer, Ozzy, Mr. Machine, Flounder, Mr. Mac, Peaches, Poo Poo, Side, Shmoo Butt, Hook Nose, Mrs. Soul Train, Big Daddy, Flap Jack.
6. Who said, "Coach....I gotta poop!"
7. The person in #6 punched someone in the face when he tried to steal some french fries when we were in the 6th grade. Who got punched? And what happened after that?
8. When we were in the 6th grade, there was actually a bomb threat. Who's mother came and got him and made him leave school that morning?
9. What was Tommy Taylor's nickname?
10. Who could strain really hard and squirt water/tears out of her eyes?
11. Who used to suck her thumb AND stick her index finger up her nose at the same time?
12. Who was the meanest teacher when we were in the 3rd grade?
13. Who was the meanest teacher when we were in the 4th grade?
14. Who was the meanest teacher when we were in the 2nd grade?
15. When we were in the 8th grade, what teacher was famous for falling asleep in class?
16. Who got caught spitting loogies on the wall across from the band hall one morning before school in the 9th grade?
17. What 1st grade classroom had the treehouse in its room?
18. When we were at East Corinth and would be standing in line along the hall in front of Mrs. Vandiver's room for lunch, who could we almost always count on seeing walking back to the classroom after peeing in his/her pants?
19. Who were the tallest two girls in our class when we were at East Corinth?
20. In the 3rd grade, what girl always carried a comb around in her back pocket?
21. Who had a dog named Rosie?
22. Who had a dog named Sheeba?
23. Who had a dog named Candy?
24. Who had a dog named Charlie?
25. Who was Johnny J. Rambo?
26. How did Coach Smilie grade his tests?
27. Who had the biggest collection of Hot Wheels and/or match box cars?
28. When we were in the 4th grade, we all sat in the library and watched a movie. What movie was it?
29. When we were in the 7th grade, what substitute teacher would wear Converse high-tops?
30. When we were in the 4th grade, there was an old man that worked in the caffeteria and would hang out by the back door. He wore black-rimmed glasses, had no teeth, and was missing a few fingers. What was his name?
Posted by
12:33 AM
Categories: Quiz
Okay, this is a good one to leave everyone with for the weekend...My sister found this and sent this to me, and I thought that it was a good little read!!!
Southern Drawl
Skating rink remains cherished diversion of ‘80s generation
By Stacy Jones- Special columnist
Published Sunday, March 18, 2007
Every generation has its diversions.
My grandmother attended square dances held at a girlfriend’s house, unbeknownst to her stern Primitive Baptist father. My mother paid her dime for admission and a nickel for popcorn to see a Saturday afternoon matinee at the Coliseum or Pickwick theaters in Corinth.
Much of my generation, young teens in the mid to late 1980s living in the midst of a surging consumer society, scurried to the mall, but in most small towns, there were no malls. In our small Southern town, we had something better than the mall: the skating rink.
Many Saturday mornings -- and some Friday or Saturday evenings -- I donned a pair of ill-fitting, drab-brown rental skates, headed out under a swirling mass of colors cascading from a disco ball overhead, and skated countless circles around the Corinth skating rink, known then as Skateland.
A widely circulated e-mail thread reminds us children of the 1980s that we “remember going to the skating rink before there were inline skates.”
We tried to stay upright as much as possible on those four wheels, gliding -- mostly lurching -- along the concrete floor of the rink. I even took a six-week series of Thursday night lessons to learn how best to remain in an upright position.
We were taught to place our feet in a V-formation, move the left foot out, then the right, and alternate. It worked. I learned how to skate -- but not without a few hard tumbles on the concrete.
We were also taught that the best way to fall was to collapse flatly on our posteriors, because that’s where we possess the most padding. The problem was that I wasn’t blessed with ample filler in that area. An especially skinny, lanky kid, I fell as instructed and more than once bruised my tailbone. Once I fell on my bottom but also tried to catch myself with an elbow. That elbow smarted for weeks.
We tried not to fall too much and to maintain our composure when we did. It wasn’t the bruised body parts we were so much worried about as the bruised egos. You see, one of our main reasons for going to the skating rink involved attempting to attract the attention of the opposite sex.
At times, the skating rink made that endeavor perfectly easy by announcing boy-girl skates, which required girls to wait at one end and boys to skate to them to choose a partner. My friend Mindi, who often slept over at my house and went skating with me, and I felt an ambivalent wave of joy and nervousness when the DJ announced a boy-girl skate. We waited with sweaty palms for another sweaty palm to take ours and, speechless, skate around the rink with us in tow two or three times.
I remember the first boy with whom I skated. I was in sixth grade. He was an adorable blond-haired youngster. I traversed the rink with him that one day and never saw him again, but I will never forget him.
This young man, however, forged the beginning of many “firsts” at the skating rink. I kissed a boy for the first time at the skating rink. I was 15 years old, just shy of my 16th birthday, which coincided with the dating restriction my parents had placed on me, but after much pleading, they allowed me to go out a few weeks early.
His parents picked me up and took us to the skating rink. My exact memories of the kiss elude me, but I do recall that I had just finished chewing a wad of Double Bubble bubblegum and my beau had just finished eating a pickle, which I’m sure created an unusual taste sensation.
I developed one of my first crushes at the skating rink, and I know I wasn’t alone. Those six Thursday nights we took skating lessons, our instructor was a svelte, sandy-haired, graceful “older” man much too old for us at 27. We -- especially the girls -- hung on every word he uttered and hoped for the chance just to get near him. I try to imagine him now, in his late 40s, perhaps with less of that sandy hair and a wider mid-section, but somehow I cannot.
I lived out in the country and didn’t have cable at home, so I saw one of my first music videos at the skating rink: Michael Jackson’s well-choreographed “Thriller,” shown on a large-screen TV placed near the skate rental window. In fact, I was introduced to most of the music I knew from the 80s at the skating rink, including Madonna, Prince, Dire Straits, and one of my all-time favorites: The Cars.
It’s hard not to remember and cherish a place where I fell in love (or so I thought at the time), experienced my first kiss, and devoured globs of cheese piled on tortilla chips in a tasty dish known as nachos. All of this, while the air pulsed with tunes that fabricated a soundtrack to our lives composed of one of the most memorable, ground breaking, and outlandish decades of pop music.
I know the members of the current generation have their own particular pastimes, and I don’t fault them for that. However, those of us who are 30-something, even 40-something, ought to take them to the skating rink, though, at least once to give them a little taste of what our lives once used to be.
While there, request Madonna’s “Material Girl” or Prince’s “Purple Rain” or Dire Straits’ “Money for Nothing” or the Cars’ “Drive.” If you’re really brave, go for a Michael Jackson song. Tell the kids you remember when Michael Jackson was cool and everyone wanted to be like him, and float into your best “Moon Walk” rendition.
They may act at first as if you are passé, but I’ll bet you’ll find them later in their bedrooms at home attempting to secretively practice the signature move themselves.
Remind yourself that despite other contentions, youth for the most part isn’t wasted on the young. Some of us seize it for all it’s worth. The problem is that there just isn’t enough of it.
Posted by
Angel Wilburn
4:56 PM
I know this first one is John Parr's video but it still has clips from the movie. This always reminds me of the Twin Cinema days.
Same deal with this one. I could not find a good quality trailer for the movie so I am posting the Kenny Logging's video. I think it will suffice..
You still gotta love the car!
Posted by
Bobby Burns
10:28 AM
Here is another game from the past. Jake did you not have one of these???
Posted by
Bobby Burns
10:16 AM
Since I wasn't able to post some pictures for Ashley's birthday a few weeks ago, I thought I'd add this little video in her honor. Back when we were in the 4th grade and involved in the Christmas play, she was my girlfriend. When the Psychiatrists came out and did their little dance in the play, I was all eyes...I loved to watch Ashley do her little dance. Ginger Horton was also in her little group, and she was Bobby's girlfriend...so we'd watch them together and drool all over the place. Watch Ashley dance!!!
Another funny part of this video is the beginning, where Brett (Charlie Brown) has to pay Sassy for her services. He reaches into his pocket but can't find his nickel. He finally realizes he can fake it, so he just thumps the can to make it look like he deposited his nickel. Hilarious!!! I also like watching Brett's hands. If there's one thing that was distinctive about Brett, it was the fact that when he got excited or nervous, his hands would make all these funny motions. He still does it to this day!!!
Posted by
11:55 AM
Categories: 4th Grade
Sorry!! I was out of town and couldn't get to a computer, so that's why I'm late in doing this!! Judy I hope you had a spectacular 36th birthday! I'm sure you and Chris and the kids celebrated in style in Oxford!!
As usual, it's time to tell a few stories about ol' Judy. First of all, once we moved to our house on Hickory Road in 1975, Judy and I were neighbors for the next 12 years. There were a few things in particular that I remember about Judy's house. First of all, there was a persimmon tree in the front yard. Those persimmons were the perfect size to throw a considerable distance...in fact, my range on one of those suckers was exactly from the end of her driveway by the tree, to the other end of her driveway. That meant I could usually be found launching those things at Judy and Beth and Sassy and whoever else was there at the time. Lot's of fun, that's for sure. There was also a possum that would hang in one of the branches in that tree...pretty cool, if you ask me!
Judy also had the most awesome tree house at the end of her driveway. You'd crawl up a ladder through a trap door and then you were up in that tree house. Several of us (Bobby, Brett, Weston, Trey, Glenn, etc.) loved to get into dirt clod fights from that tree house. You'd stock up on the clods, and then when your buddies got close, you waged war on them. Lex Cloutier lived behind Judy, and he was always a target.Judy's mom also made the best damn lemonade. They'd grow real mint under their porch and put it in the lemonade. Man that stuff was good!! Judy's dad also was an avid golfer, and he kept his clubs and old balls in the storage room in their garage. I was pretty sly and would go in there and steal his golf balls (not his good ones, and not too many...!) to hit around the yard. I'm sure he'd have torn into my rear end had he found out, but I don't think he ever did.
When we first moved into our house, I was out front riding my bike. As usual, I was showing-off in front of Judy and Beth Coleman, who were out in her front yard. I was weaving back and forth on the bike, when WHAM!...I lost control and went to far to one side and totally bit the street....literally. I face-planted right in front of them on the pavement, and broke both of my front teeth. I can still remember how badly that hurt!! But that's what I got for trying to show-off, I guess.
From my bathroom window, I could look down across the side yard and into Judy's window. I remember we'd signal each other with our lights, thinking we were all cool. Not sure what any of the signals meant...or perhaps I just don't recall...but it was fun, nonetheless.
And you can't talk about Judy without bringing up her cabin at Pickwick. It was over on Goat's Island, not far from Glenn's cabin. We spent many a summer day out there and man there were some great times out there. I remember Trey and Brett and I tried to take her canoe across the lake, and we got about half way across, and the damn thing sunk! We had to paddle that thing all the way back under water! I remember (how could I forget, rather...) walking in the water once time and I got a leech on my foot! Scared the hell out of me, and to this day I HATE walking on the bottom of a lake or pond without shoes on. I also remember, after high school, a bunch of us went out there and spent the night after the Blow Out. I passed out drunk on the couch, and I woke up to Brett and Chris playing darts...with potato chips and bean dip. Funny story, until you realize that I was their dart board. I had potato chips and dip stuck all over me. It was sick, but one of the funniest things that ever happened to me, now that I think about it.
Anyway, I've got many, many more...but I need to save a few for the days to come. Judy, I hope you had a great birthday, and I hope to see you soon!!!!
(Oh, and for those of you that are wondering....the first two pictures are from a canoe trip we all went on back in the summer of 1985. You can't see her, but that's Judy under the tent with Trey and Weston. We pulled the stakes out of her tent while she was in it! Ha! The last picture was taken when we were in the 8th grade...out at break in front of the band hall. What a blast from the past, huh?!
Posted by
11:12 PM
Categories: Birthday
Okay, I'll leave this one for everyone to laugh at on this beautiful Monday morning...Obviously Kristye and I had both decided to stick our fingers in sockets before leaving the house :) And check out our stylish attire; I had it goin' on with that sweater vest!!!!! ha ha ha! Oh, I did have on one cool accessory, though...It was my scented SWATCH...WOO HOO!!!!!
Posted by
Angel Wilburn
10:57 AM
I don't have any pictures, but I have 3 memories for you, girl!
1. playing Charlie's Angels in my mom's dance studio. Remember the high heels with holes in the heel?
2. screaming "Marcus" at a certain classmate's dad when we saw him at the marina and we had had a few too many!!
3. the songs "Pour Some Sugar on Me" and " I Want Your Sex"!
Happy Birthday Judy and I 'll see you in Oxford for the Double Decker Festival!
Posted by
Ashley Atkins Pirkle
8:27 PM
Okay, so we all hated our own, but, loved everyone else's and were always excited about getting them back and trading with one another...And you'd have your little notes that you'd write on the back of them...And then sometimes you'd get mad for some reason and even draw a face on them >:) I was lazy and didn't take the time to scan each one individually, and this is only a small portion of the ones that I found, so, I'll post some more later....For some reason I ended up with 2 of Jennifer Pace in this batch, but, I may end up with 2 of someone else in the ones to come...SAY CHEESE :)
Posted by
Angel Wilburn
9:51 AM
Okay, Jake...You were talking about all the LITTLE MISS titles, so, it hit a chord with me, and made me decide to post this one...It's not too clear bce it is a clipping that has faded over the years....I do remember that Corinth always had the best Homecoming floats and parade...You really don't appreciate that until you go to a different school...I graduated with a class of like 318, so, it shows you how much larger my school was....But, we didn't have the parades and great floats...We just did like these props that were set up in front of the school during Homecoming week...So, that was one very cool thing about CHS!
Posted by
Angel Wilburn
5:32 PM
Okay, I've found some goodies to post over the next few days...I'll just post a few at a time so that everyone will get the full enjoyment of these photos :) he he he! But, I'll be fair and throw the first one out that also makes me look like a goober! Now, my mom and I have many talks over the years as to why she could not leave my hair alone as a child...And it NEVER looked good..."let's perm it, let's cut it, let's make it look the worst that we possibly can". :) That's why I just let Lottie's grow with a trim from time to time; NO PERMS!!!!!! I'm sure you'll see lots of familiar faces!! ENJOY; and watch out...I HAVE MORE TO COME!!!!!
Posted by
Angel Wilburn
10:39 AM
Not sure how many of you ever saw this picture, but I thought I'd scan it in and post it. I can't even remember how I got this, but it seems like this was the official picture taken that night of our class at the 10 year reunion.
Hard to believe that was 8 years ago, huh? Man, does time fly or what??
Posted by
10:26 PM
Categories: Reunion
Does anyone else remember this thing? You'd put it on your ankle and then spin it around and hop over it as it came around to your other leg. I don't remember being very good at it, and it kinda hurt when it smashed up against your leg...
Posted by
5:23 PM
Categories: Toys
I can't exactly remember when I got this game, or whether it was for Christmas or for my birthday, but I do indeed remember how stoked I was to get it. Seems like it was in the 3rd grade for Christmas, but I could be wrong. Anyway, I wore this game out. I mean, I played this damn thing ALL the time! I nearly died when I found this commercial, so I thought I'd post it. Does anyone else remember this?
Posted by
12:08 AM
Categories: Commercials, Toys
I remember getting a pair of these from Versie's(sp?) (Chad Potts' Grandmother) I thought they made you run faster....
Posted by
Bobby Burns
12:45 AM