Happy Belated Birthday, Judy!
Sorry!! I was out of town and couldn't get to a computer, so that's why I'm late in doing this!! Judy I hope you had a spectacular 36th birthday! I'm sure you and Chris and the kids celebrated in style in Oxford!!
As usual, it's time to tell a few stories about ol' Judy. First of all, once we moved to our house on Hickory Road in 1975, Judy and I were neighbors for the next 12 years. There were a few things in particular that I remember about Judy's house. First of all, there was a persimmon tree in the front yard. Those persimmons were the perfect size to throw a considerable distance...in fact, my range on one of those suckers was exactly from the end of her driveway by the tree, to the other end of her driveway. That meant I could usually be found launching those things at Judy and Beth and Sassy and whoever else was there at the time. Lot's of fun, that's for sure. There was also a possum that would hang in one of the branches in that tree...pretty cool, if you ask me!
Judy also had the most awesome tree house at the end of her driveway. You'd crawl up a ladder through a trap door and then you were up in that tree house. Several of us (Bobby, Brett, Weston, Trey, Glenn, etc.) loved to get into dirt clod fights from that tree house. You'd stock up on the clods, and then when your buddies got close, you waged war on them. Lex Cloutier lived behind Judy, and he was always a target.Judy's mom also made the best damn lemonade. They'd grow real mint under their porch and put it in the lemonade. Man that stuff was good!! Judy's dad also was an avid golfer, and he kept his clubs and old balls in the storage room in their garage. I was pretty sly and would go in there and steal his golf balls (not his good ones, and not too many...!) to hit around the yard. I'm sure he'd have torn into my rear end had he found out, but I don't think he ever did.
When we first moved into our house, I was out front riding my bike. As usual, I was showing-off in front of Judy and Beth Coleman, who were out in her front yard. I was weaving back and forth on the bike, when WHAM!...I lost control and went to far to one side and totally bit the street....literally. I face-planted right in front of them on the pavement, and broke both of my front teeth. I can still remember how badly that hurt!! But that's what I got for trying to show-off, I guess.
From my bathroom window, I could look down across the side yard and into Judy's window. I remember we'd signal each other with our lights, thinking we were all cool. Not sure what any of the signals meant...or perhaps I just don't recall...but it was fun, nonetheless.
And you can't talk about Judy without bringing up her cabin at Pickwick. It was over on Goat's Island, not far from Glenn's cabin. We spent many a summer day out there and man there were some great times out there. I remember Trey and Brett and I tried to take her canoe across the lake, and we got about half way across, and the damn thing sunk! We had to paddle that thing all the way back under water! I remember (how could I forget, rather...) walking in the water once time and I got a leech on my foot! Scared the hell out of me, and to this day I HATE walking on the bottom of a lake or pond without shoes on. I also remember, after high school, a bunch of us went out there and spent the night after the Blow Out. I passed out drunk on the couch, and I woke up to Brett and Chris playing darts...with potato chips and bean dip. Funny story, until you realize that I was their dart board. I had potato chips and dip stuck all over me. It was sick, but one of the funniest things that ever happened to me, now that I think about it.
Anyway, I've got many, many more...but I need to save a few for the days to come. Judy, I hope you had a great birthday, and I hope to see you soon!!!!
(Oh, and for those of you that are wondering....the first two pictures are from a canoe trip we all went on back in the summer of 1985. You can't see her, but that's Judy under the tent with Trey and Weston. We pulled the stakes out of her tent while she was in it! Ha! The last picture was taken when we were in the 8th grade...out at break in front of the band hall. What a blast from the past, huh?!
Judy! Judy! Judy! Happy Birthday girl! Hope you had a great one!!!
I had to point this out . I do believe that is the original Sony Walkman that Weston is sporting in the above photo( Man I thought those were the greatest when they came out) and dosen't Trey's legs look good in that white mini-skirt? Ha! Ha! Ha!
Oh, Judy!!! We always had so much fun together! I used to love spending the night at your house. I remember one night when I slept over we couldn't fall asleep because we kept laughing hysterically about some man whose last name was Bugg. We kept saying "Mr. Bugg! Mr. Bugg!" and finally your mom came in and told us to be quiet! :-) I don't know why that was so funny.
Then there was another time at Christmas one year where we choreographed a whole dance to "Winter Wonderland" and performed it for your Mom.
Do you remember when you, Beth, and I (and who else?)were playing in the basement at your grandmother's house and decided that we should form a club? We had a vote and decided to name our club '89th Edition.' I think that was the extent of what the club did. Vote on a name.
I have dozens more good childhood memories of having you as a friend. Thanks for always being so sweet to me! Hope your birthday was happy!
Happy Birthday, Judy!!!
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