Friday, March 30, 2007
Answers to Jake's Trivia!
Some of these are obviously subjective, but here are my answers nonetheless:
1. Name one person who had a Colecovision.
A. Chad Potts
2. Name two people who had an Intellivision.
A. Bobby Burns & Taylor Archer
3. Name five bus drivers from "back in the day."
A. Mr. Calvery, Dillingham, Mr. Pierce, Mrs. Farroh, Scoop
4. When we were in grade school, what did the CHS cheerleaders bring by our rooms to sell us to raise money? What day of the week did they typically do this?
A. I do remember the pins and ribbons, but what I was referring to was the Warrior suckers that they would sell us. It was a huge red Warrior head sucker and the lines on the Warrior face were white. Remember?
5. What was the actual name of these people: Tubby, Benny Hill, Disco, Homer, Ozzy, Mr. Machine, Flounder, Mr. Mac, Peaches, Poo Poo, Side, Shmoo Butt, Hook Nose, Mrs. Soul Train, Big Daddy, Flap Jack.
A. Tracy Northcutt, John Works, Johnny Campbell, Brent Smith, Ken Harp, Brett Butler, Brett Butler, Clint McClamrock, Mrs. Warren, Angela Brown, Bobby Burns, John Bell, Brian Hudson, Mrs. Sorrell, Roddy Wade, Michael Green.
6. Who said, "Coach....I gotta poop!"
A. Scott Caldwell said this to Coach Smiley at an 8th grade football practice.
7. The person in #6 punched someone in the face when he tried to steal some french fries when we were in the 6th grade. Who got punched? And what happened after that?
A. Scott punched Jeremy Miller in the throat, and Jeremy grabbed his throat and started freaking out. Two or three of us ran all the way to Jeremy's mothers room to get her....and she ran all the way in those brown earth shoes!!!
8. When we were in the 6th grade, there was actually a bomb threat. Who's mother came and got him and made him leave school that morning?
A. Chad Graves
9. What was Tommy Taylor's nickname?
A. Hong Kong
10. Who could strain really hard and squirt water/tears out of her eyes?
A. Tracy Robbinson
11. Who used to suck her thumb AND stick her index finger up her nose at the same time?
A. Latonya Grossman
12. Who was the meanest teacher when we were in the 3rd grade?
A. Mrs. Cruise
13. Who was the meanest teacher when we were in the 4th grade?
A. Mrs. Taylor....Mrs. Stephens wasn't exactly "nice" but I was scared to death of Mrs. Taylor!!
14. Who was the meanest teacher when we were in the 2nd grade?
A. I was always scared of both Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Lawhorn
15. When we were in the 8th grade, what teacher was famous for falling asleep in class?
A. Mr. Betts! Don't you remember all the stories we heard about how people would go nuts after he dozed off? I think his room was at the end of the 8th grade hallway, where Mrs. Wait's room the end down from Mrs. Hollin's room, in the corner.
16. Who got caught spitting loogies on the wall across from the band hall one morning before school in the 9th grade?
A. Jake!
17. What 1st grade classroom had the treehouse in its room?
A. Mrs. Wroten
18. When we were at East Corinth and would be standing in line along the hall in front of Mrs. Vandiver's room for lunch, who could we almost always count on seeing walking back to the classroom after peeing in his/her pants?
A. As I recall, it was always Chuck Hodum
19. Who were the tallest two girls in our class when we were at East Corinth?
A. Kolette Morrison and Andrea Garrett
20. In the 3rd grade, what girl always carried a comb around in her back pocket?
A. I remember Jennifer Pace doing that, but she totally denies it!!
21. Who had a dog named Rosie?
A. Judy Whitehurst
22. Who had a dog named Sheeba?
A. Cynthia Gibson
23. Who had a dog named Candy?
A. Weston White
24. Who had a dog named Charlie?
A. Trey Brewster
25. Who was Johnny J. Rambo?
A. Mike Wintersheidt's father
26. How did Coach Smilie grade his tests?
A. I remember him bragging about putting a grade on each of his steps at home, and then throwing the tests down the stairs. Whatever step your test landed on, that was the grade you received....
27. Who had the biggest collection of Hot Wheels and/or match box cars?
A. Glenn Krohn....he had so many that he kept them in huge tackle boxes!
28. When we were in the 4th grade, we all sat in the library and watched a movie. What movie was it?
A. I remember watching Black Beauty. During this movie, Bobby Burns and I took the "Sissy Test" from Michael Nash. We sat there while Michael scratched the top of our hands with his fingernail. He did this for the entire movie until we had huge holes in the tops of our hands. To this day, I still have the scar!!
29. When we were in the 7th grade, what substitute teacher would wear Converse high-tops?
A. Richard Peeples
30. When we were in the 4th grade, there was an old man that worked in the caffeteria and would hang out by the back door. He wore black-rimmed glasses, had no teeth, and was missing a few fingers. What was his name?
A. Mr. Knight....I can't believe Bobby doesn't remember him because Bobby used to impersonate him!!!
Posted by
12:00 PM
Categories: Quiz
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Happy Birthday, Traci!!!
I'm late in posting this, so please forgive me. But it's still Wednesday, so I think I'm good to go. Anyway, today is Traci Haskett's birthday. Another Warrior bites the dust and turns 36! Traci, I hope you had a great day, and that you and your daughter (and hopefully your son) got to do something really special! Oh, and we can't forget about your three dogs, too. Hopefully ALL of you were able to find something to do as one big family!!
My wife is asleep right now, and the box that has the pictures in it is under the bed, so I won't be able to post any pictures of Traci right this minute. BUT...give me until tomorrow afternoon, and I'll post one or two that I have...
One memory of Traci that sticks in my mind is the fact that she lived next door to Stephen Brooks. I recall being over at Stephen's one day, and there were one or two others there. I could be wrong, but I seem to remember mooning her through Stephen's bedroom window. Odd memory, I know, but can't help what you remember. Traci, sorry you had to look at our butts...
I also seem to recall Traci having an Electra Woman and Dyna Girl lunchbox. Traci, is that accurate? I doubt many people will remember that show, but it was popular on Saturday mornings in the mid to late 70's. I could be wrong, but for some reason I remember Traci having that lunchbox.
And didn't you have a Dachshund dog? That's a stretch of a memory, but I seem to remember that, too.
Anyway, I'll try to add more tomorrow when I post your picture(s). I hope you had a happy birthday!!!
Posted by
11:56 PM
Categories: Birthday
Mrs. Evans 3rd Grade Class
I wanted to see how many of these people you can name. There are some that I have forgotten so I hope they are the ones somebody else remembers..
Posted by
Bobby Burns
5:35 PM
Boy Scouts Circa 1982
Here's a picture taken from one of our first Boy Scout camping trips. If I remember correctly, we started this troop in 1982 when we were in the 6th grade. Can you name all of these people?
Posted by
12:16 PM
Categories: 6th Grade, Boy Scouts
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Jake's Trivia Time
Ok. Sorry it's been so long since I posted something. Seems like Angel, Bobby, and I are the constants here, so I thought I'd take a break and see who would step up to the plate. Oh well...
I had a lot of fun trying to answer all of Brett's questions a while back. So, I decided to try it myself. Have fun!!
1. Name one person who had a Colecovision.
2. Name two people who had an Intellivision.
3. Name five bus drivers from "back in the day."
4. When we were in grade school, what did the CHS cheerleaders bring by our rooms to sell us to raise money? What day of the week did they typically do this?
5. What was the actual name of these people: Tubby, Benny Hill, Disco, Homer, Ozzy, Mr. Machine, Flounder, Mr. Mac, Peaches, Poo Poo, Side, Shmoo Butt, Hook Nose, Mrs. Soul Train, Big Daddy, Flap Jack.
6. Who said, "Coach....I gotta poop!"
7. The person in #6 punched someone in the face when he tried to steal some french fries when we were in the 6th grade. Who got punched? And what happened after that?
8. When we were in the 6th grade, there was actually a bomb threat. Who's mother came and got him and made him leave school that morning?
9. What was Tommy Taylor's nickname?
10. Who could strain really hard and squirt water/tears out of her eyes?
11. Who used to suck her thumb AND stick her index finger up her nose at the same time?
12. Who was the meanest teacher when we were in the 3rd grade?
13. Who was the meanest teacher when we were in the 4th grade?
14. Who was the meanest teacher when we were in the 2nd grade?
15. When we were in the 8th grade, what teacher was famous for falling asleep in class?
16. Who got caught spitting loogies on the wall across from the band hall one morning before school in the 9th grade?
17. What 1st grade classroom had the treehouse in its room?
18. When we were at East Corinth and would be standing in line along the hall in front of Mrs. Vandiver's room for lunch, who could we almost always count on seeing walking back to the classroom after peeing in his/her pants?
19. Who were the tallest two girls in our class when we were at East Corinth?
20. In the 3rd grade, what girl always carried a comb around in her back pocket?
21. Who had a dog named Rosie?
22. Who had a dog named Sheeba?
23. Who had a dog named Candy?
24. Who had a dog named Charlie?
25. Who was Johnny J. Rambo?
26. How did Coach Smilie grade his tests?
27. Who had the biggest collection of Hot Wheels and/or match box cars?
28. When we were in the 4th grade, we all sat in the library and watched a movie. What movie was it?
29. When we were in the 7th grade, what substitute teacher would wear Converse high-tops?
30. When we were in the 4th grade, there was an old man that worked in the caffeteria and would hang out by the back door. He wore black-rimmed glasses, had no teeth, and was missing a few fingers. What was his name?
Posted by
12:33 AM
Categories: Quiz
Friday, March 23, 2007
Okay, this is a good one to leave everyone with for the weekend...My sister found this and sent this to me, and I thought that it was a good little read!!!
Southern Drawl
Skating rink remains cherished diversion of ‘80s generation
By Stacy Jones- Special columnist
Published Sunday, March 18, 2007
Every generation has its diversions.
My grandmother attended square dances held at a girlfriend’s house, unbeknownst to her stern Primitive Baptist father. My mother paid her dime for admission and a nickel for popcorn to see a Saturday afternoon matinee at the Coliseum or Pickwick theaters in Corinth.
Much of my generation, young teens in the mid to late 1980s living in the midst of a surging consumer society, scurried to the mall, but in most small towns, there were no malls. In our small Southern town, we had something better than the mall: the skating rink.
Many Saturday mornings -- and some Friday or Saturday evenings -- I donned a pair of ill-fitting, drab-brown rental skates, headed out under a swirling mass of colors cascading from a disco ball overhead, and skated countless circles around the Corinth skating rink, known then as Skateland.
A widely circulated e-mail thread reminds us children of the 1980s that we “remember going to the skating rink before there were inline skates.”
We tried to stay upright as much as possible on those four wheels, gliding -- mostly lurching -- along the concrete floor of the rink. I even took a six-week series of Thursday night lessons to learn how best to remain in an upright position.
We were taught to place our feet in a V-formation, move the left foot out, then the right, and alternate. It worked. I learned how to skate -- but not without a few hard tumbles on the concrete.
We were also taught that the best way to fall was to collapse flatly on our posteriors, because that’s where we possess the most padding. The problem was that I wasn’t blessed with ample filler in that area. An especially skinny, lanky kid, I fell as instructed and more than once bruised my tailbone. Once I fell on my bottom but also tried to catch myself with an elbow. That elbow smarted for weeks.
We tried not to fall too much and to maintain our composure when we did. It wasn’t the bruised body parts we were so much worried about as the bruised egos. You see, one of our main reasons for going to the skating rink involved attempting to attract the attention of the opposite sex.
At times, the skating rink made that endeavor perfectly easy by announcing boy-girl skates, which required girls to wait at one end and boys to skate to them to choose a partner. My friend Mindi, who often slept over at my house and went skating with me, and I felt an ambivalent wave of joy and nervousness when the DJ announced a boy-girl skate. We waited with sweaty palms for another sweaty palm to take ours and, speechless, skate around the rink with us in tow two or three times.
I remember the first boy with whom I skated. I was in sixth grade. He was an adorable blond-haired youngster. I traversed the rink with him that one day and never saw him again, but I will never forget him.
This young man, however, forged the beginning of many “firsts” at the skating rink. I kissed a boy for the first time at the skating rink. I was 15 years old, just shy of my 16th birthday, which coincided with the dating restriction my parents had placed on me, but after much pleading, they allowed me to go out a few weeks early.
His parents picked me up and took us to the skating rink. My exact memories of the kiss elude me, but I do recall that I had just finished chewing a wad of Double Bubble bubblegum and my beau had just finished eating a pickle, which I’m sure created an unusual taste sensation.
I developed one of my first crushes at the skating rink, and I know I wasn’t alone. Those six Thursday nights we took skating lessons, our instructor was a svelte, sandy-haired, graceful “older” man much too old for us at 27. We -- especially the girls -- hung on every word he uttered and hoped for the chance just to get near him. I try to imagine him now, in his late 40s, perhaps with less of that sandy hair and a wider mid-section, but somehow I cannot.
I lived out in the country and didn’t have cable at home, so I saw one of my first music videos at the skating rink: Michael Jackson’s well-choreographed “Thriller,” shown on a large-screen TV placed near the skate rental window. In fact, I was introduced to most of the music I knew from the 80s at the skating rink, including Madonna, Prince, Dire Straits, and one of my all-time favorites: The Cars.
It’s hard not to remember and cherish a place where I fell in love (or so I thought at the time), experienced my first kiss, and devoured globs of cheese piled on tortilla chips in a tasty dish known as nachos. All of this, while the air pulsed with tunes that fabricated a soundtrack to our lives composed of one of the most memorable, ground breaking, and outlandish decades of pop music.
I know the members of the current generation have their own particular pastimes, and I don’t fault them for that. However, those of us who are 30-something, even 40-something, ought to take them to the skating rink, though, at least once to give them a little taste of what our lives once used to be.
While there, request Madonna’s “Material Girl” or Prince’s “Purple Rain” or Dire Straits’ “Money for Nothing” or the Cars’ “Drive.” If you’re really brave, go for a Michael Jackson song. Tell the kids you remember when Michael Jackson was cool and everyone wanted to be like him, and float into your best “Moon Walk” rendition.
They may act at first as if you are passé, but I’ll bet you’ll find them later in their bedrooms at home attempting to secretively practice the signature move themselves.
Remind yourself that despite other contentions, youth for the most part isn’t wasted on the young. Some of us seize it for all it’s worth. The problem is that there just isn’t enough of it.
Posted by
Angel Wilburn
4:56 PM
Thursday, March 22, 2007
More Movies
I know this first one is John Parr's video but it still has clips from the movie. This always reminds me of the Twin Cinema days.
Same deal with this one. I could not find a good quality trailer for the movie so I am posting the Kenny Logging's video. I think it will suffice..
You still gotta love the car!
Posted by
Bobby Burns
10:28 AM
Here is another game from the past. Jake did you not have one of these???
Posted by
Bobby Burns
10:16 AM
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Sassy the Shrink & A Tribute to Ashley
Since I wasn't able to post some pictures for Ashley's birthday a few weeks ago, I thought I'd add this little video in her honor. Back when we were in the 4th grade and involved in the Christmas play, she was my girlfriend. When the Psychiatrists came out and did their little dance in the play, I was all eyes...I loved to watch Ashley do her little dance. Ginger Horton was also in her little group, and she was Bobby's we'd watch them together and drool all over the place. Watch Ashley dance!!!
Another funny part of this video is the beginning, where Brett (Charlie Brown) has to pay Sassy for her services. He reaches into his pocket but can't find his nickel. He finally realizes he can fake it, so he just thumps the can to make it look like he deposited his nickel. Hilarious!!! I also like watching Brett's hands. If there's one thing that was distinctive about Brett, it was the fact that when he got excited or nervous, his hands would make all these funny motions. He still does it to this day!!!
Posted by
11:55 AM
Categories: 4th Grade
Monday, March 19, 2007
Happy Belated Birthday, Judy!
Sorry!! I was out of town and couldn't get to a computer, so that's why I'm late in doing this!! Judy I hope you had a spectacular 36th birthday! I'm sure you and Chris and the kids celebrated in style in Oxford!!
As usual, it's time to tell a few stories about ol' Judy. First of all, once we moved to our house on Hickory Road in 1975, Judy and I were neighbors for the next 12 years. There were a few things in particular that I remember about Judy's house. First of all, there was a persimmon tree in the front yard. Those persimmons were the perfect size to throw a considerable fact, my range on one of those suckers was exactly from the end of her driveway by the tree, to the other end of her driveway. That meant I could usually be found launching those things at Judy and Beth and Sassy and whoever else was there at the time. Lot's of fun, that's for sure. There was also a possum that would hang in one of the branches in that tree...pretty cool, if you ask me!
Judy also had the most awesome tree house at the end of her driveway. You'd crawl up a ladder through a trap door and then you were up in that tree house. Several of us (Bobby, Brett, Weston, Trey, Glenn, etc.) loved to get into dirt clod fights from that tree house. You'd stock up on the clods, and then when your buddies got close, you waged war on them. Lex Cloutier lived behind Judy, and he was always a target.Judy's mom also made the best damn lemonade. They'd grow real mint under their porch and put it in the lemonade. Man that stuff was good!! Judy's dad also was an avid golfer, and he kept his clubs and old balls in the storage room in their garage. I was pretty sly and would go in there and steal his golf balls (not his good ones, and not too many...!) to hit around the yard. I'm sure he'd have torn into my rear end had he found out, but I don't think he ever did.
When we first moved into our house, I was out front riding my bike. As usual, I was showing-off in front of Judy and Beth Coleman, who were out in her front yard. I was weaving back and forth on the bike, when WHAM!...I lost control and went to far to one side and totally bit the street....literally. I face-planted right in front of them on the pavement, and broke both of my front teeth. I can still remember how badly that hurt!! But that's what I got for trying to show-off, I guess.
From my bathroom window, I could look down across the side yard and into Judy's window. I remember we'd signal each other with our lights, thinking we were all cool. Not sure what any of the signals meant...or perhaps I just don't recall...but it was fun, nonetheless.
And you can't talk about Judy without bringing up her cabin at Pickwick. It was over on Goat's Island, not far from Glenn's cabin. We spent many a summer day out there and man there were some great times out there. I remember Trey and Brett and I tried to take her canoe across the lake, and we got about half way across, and the damn thing sunk! We had to paddle that thing all the way back under water! I remember (how could I forget, rather...) walking in the water once time and I got a leech on my foot! Scared the hell out of me, and to this day I HATE walking on the bottom of a lake or pond without shoes on. I also remember, after high school, a bunch of us went out there and spent the night after the Blow Out. I passed out drunk on the couch, and I woke up to Brett and Chris playing darts...with potato chips and bean dip. Funny story, until you realize that I was their dart board. I had potato chips and dip stuck all over me. It was sick, but one of the funniest things that ever happened to me, now that I think about it.
Anyway, I've got many, many more...but I need to save a few for the days to come. Judy, I hope you had a great birthday, and I hope to see you soon!!!!
(Oh, and for those of you that are wondering....the first two pictures are from a canoe trip we all went on back in the summer of 1985. You can't see her, but that's Judy under the tent with Trey and Weston. We pulled the stakes out of her tent while she was in it! Ha! The last picture was taken when we were in the 8th grade...out at break in front of the band hall. What a blast from the past, huh?!
Posted by
11:12 PM
Categories: Birthday
More BAD hair :)
Okay, I'll leave this one for everyone to laugh at on this beautiful Monday morning...Obviously Kristye and I had both decided to stick our fingers in sockets before leaving the house :) And check out our stylish attire; I had it goin' on with that sweater vest!!!!! ha ha ha! Oh, I did have on one cool accessory, though...It was my scented SWATCH...WOO HOO!!!!!
Posted by
Angel Wilburn
10:57 AM
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Happy Birthday, Judy!!
I don't have any pictures, but I have 3 memories for you, girl!
1. playing Charlie's Angels in my mom's dance studio. Remember the high heels with holes in the heel?
2. screaming "Marcus" at a certain classmate's dad when we saw him at the marina and we had had a few too many!!
3. the songs "Pour Some Sugar on Me" and " I Want Your Sex"!
Happy Birthday Judy and I 'll see you in Oxford for the Double Decker Festival!
Posted by
Ashley Atkins Pirkle
8:27 PM
Friday, March 16, 2007
Those SCHOOL DAY pictures
Okay, so we all hated our own, but, loved everyone else's and were always excited about getting them back and trading with one another...And you'd have your little notes that you'd write on the back of them...And then sometimes you'd get mad for some reason and even draw a face on them >:) I was lazy and didn't take the time to scan each one individually, and this is only a small portion of the ones that I found, so, I'll post some more later....For some reason I ended up with 2 of Jennifer Pace in this batch, but, I may end up with 2 of someone else in the ones to come...SAY CHEESE :)
Posted by
Angel Wilburn
9:51 AM
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Our Maids and Queen
Okay, Jake...You were talking about all the LITTLE MISS titles, so, it hit a chord with me, and made me decide to post this one...It's not too clear bce it is a clipping that has faded over the years....I do remember that Corinth always had the best Homecoming floats and parade...You really don't appreciate that until you go to a different school...I graduated with a class of like 318, so, it shows you how much larger my school was....But, we didn't have the parades and great floats...We just did like these props that were set up in front of the school during Homecoming week...So, that was one very cool thing about CHS!
Posted by
Angel Wilburn
5:32 PM
OH, weren't we CUTE :)
Okay, I've found some goodies to post over the next few days...I'll just post a few at a time so that everyone will get the full enjoyment of these photos :) he he he! But, I'll be fair and throw the first one out that also makes me look like a goober! Now, my mom and I have many talks over the years as to why she could not leave my hair alone as a child...And it NEVER looked good..."let's perm it, let's cut it, let's make it look the worst that we possibly can". :) That's why I just let Lottie's grow with a trim from time to time; NO PERMS!!!!!! I'm sure you'll see lots of familiar faces!! ENJOY; and watch out...I HAVE MORE TO COME!!!!!
Posted by
Angel Wilburn
10:39 AM
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
10 Year Reunion
Not sure how many of you ever saw this picture, but I thought I'd scan it in and post it. I can't even remember how I got this, but it seems like this was the official picture taken that night of our class at the 10 year reunion.
Hard to believe that was 8 years ago, huh? Man, does time fly or what??
Posted by
10:26 PM
Categories: Reunion
Lemon Twister
Does anyone else remember this thing? You'd put it on your ankle and then spin it around and hop over it as it came around to your other leg. I don't remember being very good at it, and it kinda hurt when it smashed up against your leg...
Posted by
5:23 PM
Categories: Toys
Digital Derby
I can't exactly remember when I got this game, or whether it was for Christmas or for my birthday, but I do indeed remember how stoked I was to get it. Seems like it was in the 3rd grade for Christmas, but I could be wrong. Anyway, I wore this game out. I mean, I played this damn thing ALL the time! I nearly died when I found this commercial, so I thought I'd post it. Does anyone else remember this?
Posted by
12:08 AM
Categories: Commercials, Toys
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
I remember getting a pair of these from Versie's(sp?) (Chad Potts' Grandmother) I thought they made you run faster....
Posted by
Bobby Burns
12:45 AM
Monday, March 12, 2007
That boy could dance!
I know it's not Christmas time, but I just had to do this. Here's a snippet of one of the dance routines from our 4th Grade Christmas play. The only name I'll drop before you watch it is Dennis Riddles. That boy had some moves! OK...I'll drop one towards the end, and you'll see Jeff Williams "trying" to keep up with Dennis...but he didn't have a chance! You can also see some of us in the background, nodding and shaking our heads in amazement!
I can remember standing in the back, behind them, and watching them dance. I didn't have a bone in my body that could come close to dancing (still don't), so all I could do is sit back and watch!! See how many people you can name!!!
Posted by
11:46 PM
Categories: 4th Grade
Happy Birthday, Kathy!
I know this is rather late today to be announcing this, but better late than never! Today is Kathy Hale's birthday, so everyone chime in and wish her a happy 36th! I hope you had a great day!
Kathy is one of those classmates that, as far as I can remember, was in our class from the very beginning. I remember her going all the way back to pretty much the 1st grade. If there's one thing I remember about her, she was QUIET! She didn't have much to say, but she was as nice as she could be. Well, let me rephrase that...she didn't have much to say to I shouldn't say she didn't talk much in general. Just because she didn't have much to say to me didn't mean she didn't ham it up with other people, right?! But seriously...she was always really nice, really sweet, and generally quiet. I remember she was really involved in the band, too, as well as her younger sister. Seems she was good friends with Christy Lancaster, Jeffrey Droke, and a few others...but I could be wrong.
Anyway, the cool thing is that I really got to know Kathy, believe it or not, at our 10 Year reunion. I sat down at a table with her and a few others, and we talked and talked...and it made me wish we'd done that so many years before! I think she even drug me out on the dance floor for a dance or two, before Poo Poo took over and grinded me into the floor! Not sure how many of you remember that, but she did! She came out of nowhere and scared the hell out of me!
Anyway, Kathy and I stayed in touch via email after that, but we eventually lost touch. owe us an update, so let's have it. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
Posted by
11:16 PM
Categories: Birthday
Jeannie Teuber update
Ok, I don't really have alot to tell. But I am not going to lie, I kind of got scared when I saw the picture Jake found of Vandy, so I decided I better come up with something. After I left high school I went to NEMCC and played basketball for two years. I hurt my knee there and wasn't really up for having surgery so I just quit playing. I went to UNA and finished up my degree in elementary education. I returned to Corinth and started working for the school district as a special education teacher at the middle school (our former high school). I held that job four years, went to work at the elementary school for three years, to the high school for one year, and have been back at the junior high school for the last five years. My classroom is right next door to Mrs. Hollins' room. Can you believe that? Yup, she is still there. Mrs. McAlpin, Mrs. Savell, Mrs. McCullar, Coach Pitner, Mr. Calvery, Coach Smillie, Mrs. Calvery and Mrs. Thompson were also there when I had started, but they have since retired. Sure was weird at first being peers with that group, but I got used to it, lol. Not only do I teach, but I coach as well. I coached high school softball for six years and I have coached junior high girls basketball for the last ten years. We have had some successful teams. We have won seven county championships and last year we won the 5 county championship. That was the first time ever that a girls' team from our school had won it. I actually had Felecia Eaton's daughter playing for me on that team. Boy, can that make a person feel old. With so many good junior high girls' teams, not sure why the high school girls have not been more successful, but they are just like we were when I was playing, just not that good! I have seen alot of our classmates children come through the junior high school. It is amazing to see so many of them with the same personality or mannerisms that their parents had around the same age. As for me, I have not had any children. I have not yet married as most of you have. I have dated the same guy for the last five years, but have not taken the big leap. I was always a late bloomer, lol. Well, maybe that is enough to keep Jake off my back for now and he won't have to tell the story about how I bloodied his nose. Enjoyed reading the updates from all of you that posted. If you are ever in town, look me up. I also have a myspace account if any of you have them and want to get connected. My profile can be found at . Till next time.
Posted by
Jeannie Teuber
4:05 PM
Categories: Classmate Update
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Head to Head
Take a look at this one, guys:
I remember Lex Cloutier had a game very similar to this one, but it seems like it was a little bigger and maybe a yellow/tan color. Glenn might have had this game. I had the green Football 2, and I think Bobby did, too. I can remember playing them in the 4th grade in Mrs. Butler's room. During recess inside, we'd sit in the back of the room under the coats on the coat rack so it was nice and dark. We'd play those games all the time! I got mine for my birthday that year from my grandparents. In fact, I can remember playing it during the 4th grade Christmas play....remember how we all stayed back in the caffeteria until we were supposed to go on stage? I remember playing mine back there while waiting for my turn to go on stage! Man, those were the days!
Posted by
8:32 PM
Categories: 4th Grade, Commercials, Games
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Hey, Good-Lookin' back to pick you up later!!
I spoke too soon. Last commercial I ever thought I'd see again was this one. Man, I never had a Mr. Microphone, but the commercial sure as hell always amused me....
Talk about a flashback in time!!!
Posted by
11:04 PM
Categories: Commercials
Pretty sneaky, Sis....
If there's one toy commercial from our younger days that brings back memories, it's this one:
We had this game, and I'm sure we played it all the time. But the commercial is the one thing that has always stuck in my mind....
Posted by
10:58 PM
Categories: Commercials
Welcome to the blog, Tess!
Just noticed that Tess recently joined the blog! GREAT!! Thanks for making the effort, Tess! Let me know if you need help figured out how to post a story, leave a comment, etc. Great to have you on board!
Posted by
1:19 PM
Categories: Greetings
Friday, March 9, 2007
Let the fun's the opening clip from our Follies production in '89. This one was right after Jay Parrack sang his solo. Now tell me THIS doesn't bring back some memories!!!
Posted by
3:27 PM
Categories: Follies
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Answers to:"STUMPIN' QUIZ"
1) Tom Miller
2) NaMingo
3) Blue Hawks
4) Edward Coleman and Lee Smith
5) Shrinky Dinks
6) Evan Hutto, Todd Maher, Joe Peavy, Matt Abernathy, Mike Minot, Marty Lewis, etc.
7) Biggersville...Corinth's own, Kathy Merwin
8) Y-Men
9) Billy Bass, David Stratton(sp?), Chris Whitt
10) David Stewart, an Atari 5200, got the name while in Florida on a family vacation...He stole it!
11) Kendrick Rd. across from Ronald Pence...Preacher's Kid, David Ludlam
12) Debris
13) Zane Elliot
14) Brie
15) John Haynes..."You can't hurt John Haynes!!!"
16) NEMCC and Murray State
17) Middle Tennessee
18) "Fog"...Coach Smillie said it was because he ran so slow
19) Class of '89's own, Jay McKinney (15)...Broke John Darnell's record!
20) Memphis State
21) Sack
22) Scotty Rogers and State Farm's Tom Rogers
23) Current CHS high school basketball coach...Keith Green
24) Mike White
25) Peoria, Illinois--Caterpillar's Headquarters
26) Mantachie, MS
27) Chris McLaurin has a PhD in Pharmacology
28) John Judkins
29) Myers Huggins
30) Aubrey Kenneth Briggs
Posted by
12:20 PM
Porterfield Update
Hello to all,
It has been a pleasure reading all the posts. I guess I'll now give my personal update. First, Abbie and I were wandering if Jake really has a job and if so I want to work there. Just kidding, Jake, you've done a great and I know time consuming job with the site.
As for me, I have been married to Amy Kennedy whom like Bobby's wife, Christy, is one of those Kossuth gals. Amy is also a teacher @ "Cow Tech High"; isn't that what we called it? I guess I now am a converted Kossuthian since the school is an income source, we live in the district, and our two young-uns attend there.
Our children, Jackson (Jake), will be eight March 28Th and Maggie Claire is 5. Jake is all boy whom likes all sports, creepy insects, and his best friend Buddy, a girl dog. Maggie Claire, oddly, is Daddy's little girl whom likes to "primp", play dolls, ballet & dance, and will not do anything that requires a lot of physical activity (a girly, girl); both are truly an inspiration to us.
I currently work for Corinth Coca-Cola/Refreshments, Inc. as Corporate Human Resources and Loss Control Manager for 6 locations. Anyone dealing with HR knows there is never a dull moment in this area. I have been with the Company for about 9 years now, however, I have given notice to my employers that I will pursue a career with a Leggett and Platt company in Booneville, Ms starting April 2nd. The Company is South Central Plastics (injection molds, etc.) where I will be venturing into the sales and marketing world. A very hard decision for me, leaving a job secured 100 year old company, but is a very intriguing opportunity. By the way, this year marks the 100Th year anniversary for Corinth Coca-Cola. Plans are underway for a huge celebration and also the dedication of Corinth's very own Coca-Cola Museum.
Well, that's about it for me, for now. I just live the sweet, simple, still a little behind times, life here in old Corinth. Anyone ever needs me or wants to chat look me up in the phone book or shoot me a g-mail. (
Posted by
Chris Porterfield
10:52 AM
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
A couple O' Stabs at Stumpin' Jake or Bobby...(Enjoy!)
Posted by
9:38 PM
Fanny Packs
I know this has nothing to do with CHS directly, but I had to post this anyway. What is the deal with people still wearing fanny packs?? I'm at the airport in Charlotte and there are people everywhere with damn fanny packs on! Those were popular in the 80's (maybe) but you know if Napoleon Dynamite wore one, it's pretty bad!!
If anyone wears one of those things to our reunion, I say he or she should get a wedgie....that means John Bell will probably wear one on purpose then! Ha!
Sent via BlackBerry from Cingular Wireless
Posted by
10:01 AM
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
More TV....
If these shows don't remind you of when we were younger, I don't know what does:
There was nothing cooler than watching the Six Million Dollar Man. I thought Steve Austin was the most awesome dude!! I had the board game, as well as the action figure...and I bet a number of you guys had the action figure, too!
I hate to admit this, but Lynda Carter absolutely drove me NUTS as a kid. I would watch this every week, just waiting for her top to fall down or something!! Ha! I mean, that woman drove me crazy!! Ha!!!!!!
I can remember watching The Incredible Hulk every week with my dad. We looked forward to this show and had a blast watching it.
Posted by
11:25 PM
Categories: TV
Ashley, continued...
So I told you I'd continue once I got to my hotel, so here goes:
Man, Ashley, where do I begin? I know we had a few rooms/teachers together before the 4th grade, but it wasn't until then that I figured out you were the one I needed to have the crush on. I remember breaking up with Melinda at Skateland by telling her I had a knee disease and she needed to move on or she'd get hurt when I died of the disease. What a load of crap!! Either way, I guess it worked, as Melinda dumped me. At that time, I just skated over to you and asked you "to go with me." And you did. We lasted until that summer, when you broke up with me while I was on the diving board at the swimming pool. I remember hearing an Air Supply song on the radio when I got the news. We got home from the pool, and my sister, Davis, called you to ask why you broke up with me. Like it mattered?! I also remember earlier that year taking you to the "Sock Hop" at the YMCA. It was some kind of dance. I gave you a necklace/soap combo as a Christmas present that was a lavender piece of soap in the shape of a butterfly, and it had a matching necklace with it. I remember lavender was your favorite color. Not too sure about the soap/necklace combo, but I guess it was pretty cool back in 1980!
I remember riding my bike up to your house and giving you love notes. We'd ride bikes in your backyard and hang out in your mom's dance studio listening to Earth, Wind & Fire. I remember one day we heard that you had to "do it" to have kids, and since we were planning on getting married, we were really grossed out and worried about that. So you went inside and asked your mother if that was true, and of course she said it wasn't. We were so RELIEVED!!! HA!!
I also remember you sucked your thumb forever! Seems like you were doing that up until the time we were in 6th or 7th grade. Please tell me you don't do that anymore?!
I can also remember how protective your older brother, Jack, was of you. If any of us cussed in front of you or did anything that he felt was inappropriate, he always make us apologize to you. We were always scared of having Jack after were lucky, as he probably saved you from years of torture from us!!
Man, we had so much fun at your house. I remember Jack was a huge KISS fan and had posters and stuff all over his room. I think he even had a pair of wooden KISS boots!!
I remember getting into bottle rocket wars with Michael Tull, and shooting them at him in his yard from your back balcony. We'd do the same thing with those persimmons...I think he hit Brett in the face with one during one of those wars! Michael Tull had one hell of an arm on him, that's for sure!
So many memories at "The Hill" in your side yard. That was the place for all of the older kids to hang out, and we were always scared to ride our bikes by there when they were out there. Les Archie, John Haynes, Trey Albright....all of them would hang out there and harass us if we got close. It seems like such a big hill back then, and I drive by now and it's barely even noticeable!!!
Anyway, I hope you had a great birthday, and I hope some other people can share some more Ashley stories. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Oh, and I'll post some funny pictures of you when I get back into town...I'm away from my ol' box of goodies and my scanner!!!
Posted by
11:02 PM
Categories: Birthday
We need to find the following people...if any of you can help, please let me know:
Jody Harrison
Ashley Calvery
Sylbia Spencer (she's in Corinth but can't remember her damn email address...WTF???)
Georgianna Hand
Toni Mathis
Lutrice Walker
Phyliss & Felicia Eaton
Shawntell Patterson
Abbie Cummings
David Morrison
Tim Wade
Torey Hammett
Tiffany Agnew
Jeffrey Droke
Cheryl Gyskowski (SP???)
Elisabeth Montgomery
Sean Swann
Sean Stacey
Michael Wright
Neil Jones
Britton Snow
Jeanne Caffereta
Richie Dancereau (SP?)
If anyone has an email address or info on these people, then let me know!
Posted by
5:49 PM
Categories: Missing Classmates
Happy Birthday, Ashley!
I'm on the road traveling today, so I'm not in front of my computer to do this the traditional way. Hopefully this email will make it to the blog! I'll definitely write more tonight when I get to my hotel room....
Anyway, today is Ashley's big day.....she turns 36!! Ash, I hope you have a great day, and I'll tell some stories later tonight....
Sent via BlackBerry from Cingular Wireless
Posted by
12:01 PM
TAG YOU ARE IT !!!!!!!
Come on guys, it has been a few days since we have seen any new post or comments for that matter. I know there has got to be a few of you besides Angel, Jake and myself that have some great pictures or fun memories from the past that you can post. I check this blog everyday sometimes twice a day and I always enjoy reading the new post. I am issuing a challenge to anybody who can stump Jake.... so dig deep into that old trunk and see if you can pull out a DANDY !!!! rest assured I will be checking in to see.....
P.S. Anybody who has joined and has not posted their up-date please do so. It is great to see where everyone is and whats going on in their lives today...
Posted by
Bobby Burns
10:48 AM
Friday, March 2, 2007
Happy Birthday, Tess!
I was tempted not to post this, since Tess has basically ignored my begging and pleading for her to join the blog. But, I figured I'd take the high road and post a birthday wish to her anyway. Maybe someday she'll follow through and join, and then she can see that we all remembered her big day.
I've known Tess since we were in the 1st grade together in Mrs. Dixon's room. From that point forward, we had several teachers together (Mrs. Butler) and lots of classes together in the later years. The one thing I remember about Tess was that she was ALWAYS in the mood to laugh. She had an infectious laugh, and it always seemed she was looking for any reason to let it out.
She was an only child, so I think that was a reason we'd always find her mom taking part in school parties and such. Now that I look back on it, Tess and her mother were two peas in a pod. They had the same laugh, the same mannerisms, and were both just always in a happy mood. I remember in the 1st grade, we had a Halloween party and some of our mothers showed up in costumes. My mother showed up in a white sheet with her face painted like a skeleton, and she never told me she was going to do it, so when she showed up, I had no idea it was my own mother. Mrs. Gurley showed up as a witch...with the hat, the broom, the black dress, and even this crusty make-up on her nose to make it look like a real evil witch nose!
The last time I saw Tess, was when a bunch of us gathered at Margil's over the holidays I think back in 1997. She was just the same....hyper, happy, and full of life. Tess, I hope one of these days, you slow down long enough to join the blog and share some memories and good times with us. You a part of so many of them, so I'm sure I can say that most of us look forward to catching up with you and finding out what you've been up to all these years. I heard that you're back in Corinth and live a few doors down from my grandmother, in fact. Regardless, I hope you had a great birthday, and I hope to see you on the blog soon!
Posted by
11:18 PM
Categories: Birthday
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Old T.V. II
Just thought I would post a few more shows let me know what you think about them....
Yep, I even watched this one with my folks...
Posted by
Bobby Burns
4:16 PM