Tuesday, April 24, 2007

I know bad news sucks but here's my Update....

For the past 6-7 weeks my pain has gotten better and better. I have been more and more tired as the treatments continue.

now to the news - I went to the Dr today for my Scan- I wasn't sure what to expect- I knew the pain was better, but you just never know. Well BAD NEWS again. The cancer continues to grow I now have 3 spots- the cancer in the area of my bladder is again the size of a baseball- the cancer in the rib area IS in the rib bone- and now I am showing a spot on my right hip bone. Dr Tauer who is my dr at the West clinic is calling my Dr at MD Anderson in Houston today to discuss what to do next- hopfully they come up with something that will work or at least slow the cancers growth. He did say that if they can not come up with something soon that I will most likely only have a few months left to live.

Those were the hardest words I have ever had to listen too....

Please continue to pray for I will continue to FIGHT..

I'll keep you guys posted as I find things out.



Ashley Atkins Pirkle said...

I will keep you in my prayers, Tony. God Bless You.

Bobby Burns said...

Tony you hang in there. We will all keep praying for you and I know that your Drs. will come up with something for you. After all, you hear about these break-throughs in modern medicine all the time and they have to start somewhere.

Stay Strong...

Kim ( Ivy) Bradley said...

Keep fighting and I will keep praying for you Tony.

Angel Wilburn said...

Hi Tony... Although, I think that our paths never crossed during our CHS days, I just wanted to let you know that you are in my prayers... You sound like you are a fighter and one who is not going to give up, so you keep on keeping on...Prayers and belief work miracles every day! You take care!

kelly glenn said...

Tony, We can and will pray boldly in my home. Bobby and I are in an awesome sun. school class that prays diligently. We will gather our bunch in prayer for you. May you feel a peace from the prayers being lifted up for each inch of you (I recall you're pretty tall! Course everyone's tall to me) We all love you!

Christy Lancaster Mayhall said...

Tony, I will be praying and thinking about you!

Sarah Lyle (Sassy) said...

Tony, words are so hard to come up with in a situation like this. Just please know that we are all praying for you and your family and wish you all the best. I can't imagine what you must be going through. You keep fighting.

Sarah Lyle (Sassy) Coleman

Jake said...

Tony, stay strong. I hate that you are having to go through this, but life throws all of us curve balls from time to time. I know that all of us will continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers. Please don't hesitate to contact me if there's ANYTHING you need or you feel I can do to help.

Stacey Carson said...

I'm so sorry you are having to go through something like this. It is so hard to imagine how you must feel. I want you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers daily. It seems to me that you have a very positive attitude-hang on to that. Miracles can still happen and the power of prayer is tremendous! Was wondering about your sister, Tammy. Where is she now? How is she? We were very close at one time through Christ Methodist but eventually lost touch when you guys moved.

Tony Sagraves said...

My sister lives 2 miles from me. She is married and has 4 little girls- the youngest 2 are twins. They are great girls. You should see when I have my 3 and her 4 together. It gets alittle wild at times. Last summer I took all, but the twins to the zoo by myself- everyone thought I was crazy, but we had a great time. I am the cool Uncle HAHA.

I really am thankful for all the well wishes from you guys. I am hoping things get better for sure. I promised my mother I would take 1 day in the next week to finalize my will and get all my stuff in order. You can't believe how hard that is to think about. I did decide one of the things I am going to do is buy enough Christmas cards and birthday cards that each of my kids will get them until they turn 30. i will fill them all out and give to my mother to mail each year. I'll use a return address of Daddy from Heaven.

I have been lucky in my life to have a job good enough that I am not leaving any debt of any kind behind. If I am to pass away my house will be paid off. I am also leaving the house to my exwife for her and the kids to live in. I know that the house she bought she can barely afford- this will help her greatly.

But HEY I don't plan on going any where anytime soon!!!!!


Tony Sagraves said...

Well ljust found out yesterday my new treatment will begin Monday. I'll have to be checked into the hospital Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday for this treatment. Hopefully I will feel good enough Thursday to get back to work, but I am betting it will be Sat or Sun before I can return.