Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Happy Birthday, Kelly!

Sorry for not posting this on time...I accidentally saved it as a draft instead of publishing it. Friday (March 4th) was Kelly Glenn's birthday. As usual, it was her 36th birthday. Since I posted that "Madonna" picture of her a few months ago, I won't further humiliate her by posting additional oldies...but please know that I do indeed have them and will certainly keep them at the ready should they need to be exposed. Hope you had a great birthday!

And for those of you that would like to take the initiative next time, there is a CHS '89 calendar on this blog that has everyone's birthdays on it. I don't have to be the only one doing this!!!


Angel Wilburn said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KELLY :) Last year was my last one...Stopping the count @ 35...Most days I still feel about 19 or 20 anyway!!!!! So, I'm just gonna be 35 FOREVER :) Hope that you had a happy one!!!!

Ashley Atkins Pirkle said...

Happy Birthday Kelly!! I hope you had a great one!!!

Kim ( Ivy) Bradley said...

Happy Birthday Kelly!!!!!!!

kelly glenn said...

got a new fishing pole, let the kids skip school (of course, after they took the d@#$ state test that has stripped the fun out of being a Warrior) and we went to Pickwick to fish! I caught the first one, sang happy birthday to it and released in back to the holy waters! I'm so easily entertained! thanks for the wishes, ya'll!