Friday, February 2, 2007

The effects of alcohol....

Ok. So take a look at this first picture, taken right about the time that we all arrived at the Homecoming '86 dance. Here we are, buttoned up and looking all dapper....and we're sober as judges. I think this was supposed to be a "serious" picture, meaning Weston said, " smiles...let's look tough..." I think Brett let one rip right before Joe took the picture, and David and I kind of cracked smiles. Anyway, here we are just as the night began:

And now here's a picture taken towards the end of the night.

Obviously we got as many people in the picture as possible. But notice that somehow my tie has ended up around my head, Weston's is undone, and Brett is trying to be cool with the hand signal (or whatever we called it back then). I'm also trying to figure out why Trey either changed clothes or removed his coat and tie....I can't tell from the picture. But you'll also notice that some people are dressed up, and some are not. Not that it really matters, but I'm trying to remember what was going on because usually everyone dressed up for the dances...or so I thought. Again, I can't really remember. What is quite obvious, however, is that we made frequent trips out to the parking lot to consume some "beverages," that were not available inside. Needless to say, we were all feeling pretty good at the end of the night.

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