Friday, February 23, 2007

More 5th grade music memories

Here's one that I remembered after reading Angel's. I never read Stephanie's post so this may be a repeat, but I'll never forget Bobby bringing John Cougar's Jack and Diane for us to listen to in music class. We were doing okay until it got to the point in the song where he sings "she's sittin' on Jack's lap - he's got his hands between her knees". I think it was at that point that Mrs. Allen got so flustered. She couldn't get that record off quick enough. I know it was either that point in the song or when he is "taking of those Bobbie Brooke slack and do what I please". Either way - it sent her into orbit. My memory is nothing like Jake's. I cannot remember what I did yesterday, but that one stuck.

Also, I cannot remember where I read it, but someone else not from our class has a memory that he could have added to one mentioned earlier (may have been emailed) - the one about the mailboxes and Brett driving the truck. Just so happens, I was at a church function and Brother Dennis was telling the story of following Brett back to his house that night (after hearing it on the police scanner) and just beating the police there. I couldn't believe he was telling this story after I had just read you all recalling it. I just kept quiet and listened - laughing inside, though. He went on to add the part about Brett's momma bringing him into Dennis' office the Monday after all that went down. Funny! Funny! He was laughing, too, though.


Bobby Burns said...

Alesha I had forgotten you were in music with me. When I read Angel's post that was the first thing that popped in my mind. I have never seen a BIG woman move that fast!!! I think I had that on a 45, boy that is really telling our age.... Who else was in that class with us????

Stephanie Knight said...

Bobby I was in Mrs. White's class with you because I remember you telling Buford Pusser stories to get us out of English all year. I think we all stayed together for all our classes so I would have been in your and Alesha's music class. I don't remember Jack and Diane though. I do have a music memory of Michael Sawyer bringing "Cocaine" by Eric Clapton and Mrs. Allen said it was "inappropriate." Melinda Williams and Sean Stacy were in there too.

Alesha said...

I had Mrs. King and Mrs. Moore so I don't know how we were all together unless several classes were in there together. It was hysterical. I remember not understanding why she got so flustered. My other big realization is that Grease was my ultimate favorite movie in the 4th grade - I even got the sound track from Santa for Christmas. When I watched it years later as a young adult, I was completely blown away that my parents would let me watch that at such a young age - not that anything sunk in then, but still. They couldn't say "boo" on TV that my Daddy wasn't changing the channel to keep our delicate ears from hearing it. How did Greased Lightening get passed him?

Angel Wilburn said...

Oh, I have other thoughts when I hear that song "Jack and Diane"...I remember going to the FAIR in Corinth one year and riding the ferris wheel with David Stewart...And that song playing....And I had the biggest crush on David...Okay, some of you are really laughing now I know, and we all know why!!!!!! And Alesha, I sang that Grease soundtrack, too...Once again, to be young and naive:)

Bobby Burns said...

Hey Steph, I forgot you were in Mrs White's class. Didn't we switch classes for the first time in 5th grade?? Because I think we had Mrs Wilbanks in the afternoon. Maybe I am just making this crap up? Also I don't remember an office across from our room in the 5th grade. I wish somebody else could remember that fight when we were in 8th grade I could have sworn it was Angle in Mrs Wrights room because I don't remember seeing that guy in the halls until we got to the old high school building.