Monday, March 12, 2007

Sat. Morning

Who was your favorite????


Anonymous said...

Handsome Jimmy Valiant, Jerry "The King" Lawler, and Austin Idol

Ashley Atkins Pirkle said...

jack and I pulled for Jerry Lawler and Billy "Superstar" Dundee every Saturday! Oh, what little rednecks we were!! :) Remember, when Jerry would pull down his strap -- you knew the beating was coming!! HAHAHAHA

Angel Wilburn said...

"WRASTLIN"....ha ha ha...OMG...We used to always watch the WRASTLIN....My dad took us one time in Corinth when we were kids...It was at the VFW or something like that...I just remember the ropes to the ring tripped me out...It was the green water hoses :) I loved Jerry Lawler and Bill Dundee...I never realized I was so REDNECK :)

Stacey Carson said...

Jennifer Pace and I watched wrestling every Sat. morning. We even went when it came to Corinth a couple of times. Jimmy Hart, Jerry the King, Coco Ware, Austin Idol-but I loved the Rock n Roll Express the best. And don't forget the Moondogs! Wasn't there a Japanese guy Tojo something? My grandfather watched it all the time as well so I was exposed early!