Mrs. Andrews' Room
Ok, after seeing Traci's post below, I had to add to the fun. This was in 1976...and it was Mrs. Andrews' kindergarten class at the Methodist Church. Her classroom was next to Mrs. Crow's. I remember playing with blocks in her room, and also finger painting out in the halls. I also remember climbing the walls in the courtyard, before they paved it and poured that pebble-like surface. There was a day when it was grass and we'd play out there for recess. Anyway, I also remember playing concentration with these little lined them all up in a square, and then turned them over and tried to remember where the pairs were. And I also remember out at recess one time playing super hero with Weston and Sammy Morris. I squinted my eyes and raised my eyebrow to be my hero, and Weston said I couldn't be Steve Austin, the 6 Million Dollar Man....and I didn't even say that's who I was. I guess my impersonation of him was that good! Ha!
Anyway, here's the picture:
Back Row: Larry Doran, Sarah Lyle, Weston, Jake, Kristye Sweat
Front Row: Michelle Norris, George Mercier, Sammy Morris, Stephanie Norris, Derrek Perminter
Those were the days!!
Gosh...what's even scarier is now that I look at that picture, I remember wearing that green jersey...and I used to hate getting hot in it because the numbers on the back would stick to my back and drive me crazy! I also remember the shirt Larry has can't see it, but it was a guy on a dirt bike...I always thought that shirt was so cool! I even remember George weating that shirt with the stars on the sleeves! And see the blocks in the background? Those are the ones I remember playing with. Wow....seems just like yesterday....
who knew that larry was standing behind his future wife?!-kelly
I didn't even notice that!!! I can't believe I missed that. How ironic is that??!!!!!
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