Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Police

In 1981, right before school started that year, my mom was still teaching 7th grade math. I went with her to school one day, basically to screw around while she worked on getting her room ready for the first day of school. I remember roaming the halls, completely unfamiliar with South Corinth and all of its buildings. I somehow found myself in the teachers lounge, and there was a magazine on a table in there. I can't for the life of me remember what magazine it was, but I do remember that The Police were on the cover. At that time, I had no idea who they were, that they were a band, or anything. But over the next few years, that would obviously change.

Fast forward to 1983. Their album Synchronicity is released:

Despite having never really been a fan of theirs (up to this point) they had a few good songs on the radio and videos on MTV, and I really started to like them. I got Synchronicity for Christmas that year, and I can remember playing it over and over again in my room. It's funny at how music or specific songs can trigger specific memories. I remember right after Christmas, a bunch of us got together over at Ashley Atkins' house, out in her little dance studio. There was a stereo out there, and I brought Synchronicity and we all hung out and listened to it out there. When I hear the song "Wrapped Around Your Finger," I immediately think of sitting in my room at home and working on my science project.

Anyway, you are all probably wondering where in the hell all of this is coming from. If you watched the Grammy's this year, you'll know that The Police played together for the first time in a really long time. And they've now gone public with their plans to launch a US tour beginning in May or June. My good friend Jay Hale, who lives here in Atlanta and is actually Ginger Horton's step-brother, called me today to tell me about the tour announcement. We've committed to going to wherever we need to go to see one of their shows, so I can't wait. I was in my car out and about in Atlanta, and he and I talked for almost 45 minutes about The Police, their old videos and songs, and stuff like that. Not that any of you really and truly care (I don't blame you), but I thought I'd share. Synchronicity completely takes me back to our 7th grade year at South. In my opinion, that was probably one of my favorite years in terms of our grade school days.

For my birthday that year, my dad gave me a camera. My first one. I'm not sure if any of you remember or not, but for several years, I took that camera everywhere and took random pictures of friends and stuff at school. Obviously, this was back before the days of digital cameras that will fit in your shirt pocket. This was a huge camera, but I lugged it around anyway. I'm so glad, too, because I have some hilarious pictures from back in the day. Here are a few from our 7th grade year:

This one was taken towards the end of our 7th grade year, on "Field Day." Remember? We all got to wear shorts, and we played different kinds of games and contests all day long. In this picture, you can see Heath, Weston, and Bobby walking away from the camera. I remember Bobby was humming or singing some song, and they were doing some kind of "cool" walk. Seems like it was some kind of wrestling walk. If you look closely, you can see that Weston had not only a bandana around his neck, but also some white pieces of hair tied into his hair....the beginning stages of his punk rock phase. Beyond them, you can see Ashley Atkins, Stacey Carson, and Kristye Sweat being harrassed by Terry Harmon. I think that's Bill Payne in the group under the soccer goal, and Todd Rob on the far left in the red shirt.

This one was taken in our Art Class that year, just before we got out for Christmas holidays. This was the second of two photos taken, and everyone obviously did their best to be funny in this one. In this picture, from the bottom left, you'll see Stephen Brooks, Jana Jones, Ashley Atkins, Beth Coleman, Merrell McQueen, Mrs. Guin's little girl (that Brett grabbed and scared the hell out of), Brett Butler, Angel Castille, (now back to the left) Stephanie Knight, Alesha Hussey, John Grayson, Sarah Lyle, Valerie Sargent, Judy Whitehurst, Jennifer Pace, David Stuart, Tess Gurley, and Chris McLaurin. Then you obviously have Mr. Davis and Mrs. Guin in the back.

This was a picture taken in Mrs. Landsdale's homeroom class. From the left, you have Rhonda Sheffield, Jeanne Caffereta, Whitney Wortman, Jeffrey Droke, Kathy Hale, Jeremy ?, Billy Moore, Lane Dunn, Joe Gilmore, Jeff McGee, Starr Weeks, Scott Caldwell, Dennis Riddles, Renardi Boyd, Kristina ? (am I wrong???), Michael Thomas aka "Sack," Brett, Jake, Tony Skinner, Ashley Atkins, (who is behind Ashley?), Ginger Horton, Merrell McQueen. This was obviously taken in April of 1984 because the bulletin board has "April Showers" on it...

This one was taken out in front of the 7th grade building before school started one morning. I had totally forgotten about Weston's "Nuke Culture Club" stage. He HATED Boy George, so he had a couple t-shirts made to display his opinions of Boy George. Hilarious. In this picture, you have from left: Jay McKinney, Weston, Shawn Glidewell, Ashley, Heath, Kristye, Stephanie Norris, Angel Wilburn, Christy Lancaster, and Kathy Hale. Man, talk about a blast from the past...

That's it for now. I gotta hit the sack. More to follow....ISN'T THIS FUN????


Valerie Sargent said...

Jake, I don’t know whether to be offended or relieved that you left my name off the list of folks in that picture from Mrs. Guin’s class! It’s OK, though, I had to look twice to make sure it was me. (I’m right there next to Stephanie.)

Mrs. Guin was the greatest, by the way. I didn’t have another teacher like her until I was in college. I attribute any love I have for art and culture to her. Right before I moved to start school at Central in the middle of our 7th grade year, she had a going away party for me during art class. I still have the card that everybody signed.

With regard to The Police, the first record I ever got was ‘King of Pain.’ I’d like to go see them perform in June at Bonnaroo. Tickets go on sale next week. I also watched them on the Grammys Sunday night, but I haven’t decided how I feel about that performance other than it made me feel old. :-)

Jake said...

Oops!! I fixed it! I didn't realize you went to Central when you left in the 7th grade??

Ashley Atkins Pirkle said...

my pink sparkly jacket! i loved that jacket!!!! thank you for posting these!!

Angel Wilburn said...

We were all so stylish...All the ARGYLE, and MEMBERS ONLY, and DUCKHEAD, and Weston's STATEMENT:) Gosh, all I know to say after looking at that photo is, I think I'm aging pretty good!!!!! ha ha ha!!!!

Jake, I was right there with ya for the Police on the Grammy's Sunday night...I was so excited, but, kind of wished they'd sang something else besides Roxanne....I'm dying to go and see them; we might go to St. Louis...I had the honor and privelage of meeting Sting(I'll try to find the photos and download them)years ago, and he was a super nice person...I really thought that he was going to have an attitude, but, was completely shocked by his humbleness and outgoingness...I hope that we all get to go and see them at one of their stops!!!!

P.S. Valerie Sargent, how are you...I remember coming to your house for a sleepover one night and we played that LIGHT AS A FEATHER game...ha ha ha...Your kids are adorable....

Bobby Burns said...

Man did I have a SWEET MULLET or what??? I also notice the old Scotty Burger( They served small Krystal type hamburgers) resturant in the back ground which has long been gone and now the site where Burger King sits. Also that whole back corner is now gone and in its place is Taco Bell. Man where is time going. It is hard for me to believe my Son will be at South next year....

Valerie Sargent said...

Jake: I moved to Central because my mom remarried that year. I went to Central for the rest of 7th grade and all of 8th grade, before we moved to Huntsville, Alabama. I graduated from Huntsville High School.

Angel: That was a fun party! That was for my 8th birthday, I think. I'm pretty sure Stephanie and Michelle Norris were there, too.