Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Because I have gotten so many emails asking.....

Here is the Update on myself I sent out Sunday:

Well started my new treatment last Monday. Was supposed to go into the hospital that morning and be out by Wed Night/Thurs Morning. Well things didnt go that way. After getting into the Oncology unit Monday around 3:30pm & because of numerous problems we ran into- I finally got my 1st treatment around 11pm. I wont lie- I asked for the them to throw the kitchen sink at me and they did. The 1st night treatment was hell. Never have I been so sick. Never had I such crazyiness with going to the bathroom & Never had I been so scared. We had to delay the treatment the next day as they tried to figure some of the issues I was having from the 1st time. My 2nd treatment started Thursday night at around 9:30pm and again things started going wrong- we pushed forward and started the 3rd treatment Friday around 9:30pm. I finally got to come home on Sunday around 2:30pm. Monday morning we had to rush to the Dr office for I had a complete blockage of my urinary tract. This was not fun and I wont go into details. Basically I am bleeding internally into my bladder and as fast as my body tries to stop it I am passing the clots(Very painful). My blood is still all screwy I go back Thursday to have it checked again- if it is still low I'll have to have a trasfusion. Luckily my mother, father, sister, & Ex-wife are all same blood type as I am. I still feel very ill. I am hoping for a quick recorvery now that I am home.


NOW work is taking all the upper management on a cruise, like they do every year, the week of June 4th. I originally had bowed out, BUT I think I will go. My next treatment isn't until the week after the cruise so I should be feeling pretty good the week of the cruise. The kids will be gone to their grandmother's that week. I think I will take the time to enjoy the sights.

For the people asking how to get a hold of me:


David Dixon I'll shot you a call this week.

1 comment:

Angel Wilburn said...

Take the cruise if you feel up to it...That will be very relaxing for you...Where are ya'll going? Which cruise line? I am jealous...And if you have a large trunk, I am not opposed to being crammed up in it for a while, just until it can be put on the ship :) Take care, Tony!