Sunday, February 25, 2007

Happy Birthday, Beth!

Well, as you can imagine, today is Beth's birthday. Yep...she turned 36 today just like the rest of us. I thought I'd post a few pictures and tell a few stories about her, to help her celebrate such a special day. .I've known Beth since I was old enough to walk. I remember being in some type of Christmas program at the Methodist Church when we were really little, and we had to recite the 12 days of Christmas...each one of us had to remember the saying for a specific day, and when it was our turn, we'd have to step forward and say it. I was the 10th day, so I had to say "Ten Lords a-leaping." Beth had the 1st day, which means she had to step forward every time and say "And a Partridge in a pear tree." EXCEPT...little Beth had a speech problem when we were little, so when she said it, it sounded like this, "And a Pa-twidge in a peah twee." Needless to say, we had fun with that one.
When we were in the 8th grade, I had the biggest crush on Beth. I mean I was in L-O-V-E with her. And she wouldn't give me the time of day. Well, we were friends...but she wouldn't and couldn't think of us in any other way. Truth be told, she had a huge crush on Ken Williams, and so she eventually started "going" with Ken. And I was devastated. Oh, well. This is Beth's 8th grade picture, and I thought I'd show you what I wrote on the back of prove how obsessed I was with Miss Coleman.

I have many, many more great pictures, but I want to save them for later. Regardless, Beth I hope you had a great birthday.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!


Alesha said...

Hey, Jake! I actually think your memory has failed you (one time in 2000 isn't bad) - the 10 Days of Christmas was Mrs. Mathis' class. We may have performed it at the Methodist church. I didn't go to Methodist, but I do remembered Beth's "partwidge in a pear twee". I think Mrs. Mathis put her in that part on purpose. It was so cute. I was "four calling birds". Happy Birthday, Beth! Hope you had a great day!

Jake said...

You know...I thought about that, but I honestly couldn't remember anyone else that was in that Christmas program. I want to say I remember Judy, but not sure. Am I right to remember wearing white robes? Seems like we got ready in one of the rooms in the courtyard and then walked to the worship hall. Man, seems just like yesterday....that was 30 years ago!!! That is SCARY!!!!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday, Beth!!! As you know, I too was very crazy about you at one time! I know you remember the night we "broke up". We were sitting on your couch at your Dad's talking about how good of friends we were and how weird it was that we were dating, and I think I said someting like: "Give me my damn ring back!!!" Beth, I have always thought the world of you and your family and hope I get to see you again before our next class reunion. Maybe, I will get to attend the 20 year!!! :-)

Bobby Burns said...

Happy Birthday Beth!!! and by the way was there any boy in our grade that was not crazy about Beth at one time or another????

Ashley Atkins Pirkle said...

Who wouldn't be crazy about Beth? Happy Birthday, girl! My fondest memory still is us sliding across my Papa's pond with Jack and Chris Curtis. Even got our picture in the paper! :)

I can't wait to see you when I come to Memphis in May. We will celebrate then!!

kelly glenn said...

Happy Belated, Beth!

judy riddell said...

Hey Beth
Happy REALLY belated birthday.
Hope to see you again some day!